First Steps to Becoming an Actor
Becoming an actor isn't rocket science, nor is it easy. But becoming an actor can be accomplished if you have a grasp of what lies ahead of you down your acting career path.

Step by Step Guide to Becoming an Actor
A career in the tinsel town is what many aspire for but what are the steps to get there?

What You Need to Know to Become an Actor
Aspiring actors need to be aware of factors that go into the making of a successful acting career.

How to Get Started Acting
For those of you who have the talent, confidence and determination in you, here are a few tips on the right way to get started acting.

Getting Started in Film Acting
There is no one surefire way to become a successful actor. But there are some basic tips that can help new actors get their foot in the preverbal acting door.

How to Become an Actor
Acting is a trait that can be stimulated and sharpened with the proper training. Here are several practical steps to take if you want to become a successful actor or actress.

Sign Up to Become an Actor
Instantly discover all the secret insider tips and tricks to get your foot in the door and on your way to becoming an working actor or actress.

How to Start an Acting Career
Every year thousands of people decide they want to pursue an acting career. If you're one of them, you better learn theses steps to starting your acting career.

How to Start an Acting Career if you Live in a Small Town
Do you live in a small town and feel frustrated with the acting opportunities available to you? Then you will find this list of 17 things you can do helpful.

How to Convince Your Parents to Support Your Dream of Becoming an Actress
The more informed you are and the more intelligently you can talk, the greater your chances your parents will support you.

Break into Showbiz
Now that you've decided you want to become an actor, you're probably wondering how to go about breaking into showbiz.

The Fastest Road to Hollywood
Dreaming of becoming an actor? You're probably wondering what's the fastest route to get there. The fastest road to Hollywood is through Movie Extra City.

What are Movie Extras?
The movie extras form the rich tapestry of background performers in almost every scene of a movie.

Become a Movie Extra - It's Easy
Break into showbiz by becoming a movie extra. When you learn how easy it is to get move extra jobs, you'll be upset for not doing it sooner.

Some Fun Facts About Background Acting
Being a background actor has supplemented my income, opened career doors, and allowed me meet fascinating people.

Little Acting Jobs for Summer and Semester Breaks
In film, it takes real people to populate the noisy restaurants, hotel lobbies, courtrooms, and city streets. That's the job of the background actors.

Be a Star to Your Star-Struck Child - A Guide for Parents
Proven Strategies to Help Your Kid (and You) Do Background Acting Right.

Background Acting is a Fun Part-time Job for Seniors and Retirees
Working as a movie extra is a fun activity for a retiree or senior citizen.

Who's Who in the Acting Biz
As an actor, and therefore a member of the movie industry, you need to take the time to learn about the many key people who are essential to your career.

About Casting Directors
Casting Directors have to find the best possible cast out of thousands of actors while always keeping up on the newest talent. Will their next star be you?

About Talent Agents
A talent agent, or booking agent, is a person who not only finds jobs for actors but also negotiates the deals and sees that his or her client is treated fairly.

About Managers
Not all actors need a manager, but when your life and career become hectic, a manager can help organize, streamline, and guide you.

What are Casting Calls?
If you are looking for a foothold in the movie industry, keep an eye out for open casting calls.

Casting Calls Yell Be Discovered!
If you are struggling to find your next audition, you can find casting calls in various ways.

Understanding the Importance of Casting Calls
As a beginning actor, understanding the importance of open casting calls and auditions is huge. This is primarily how you will go about getting work.

The Casting Process Explained
Performers are hardly ever hired by the production company directly, but are instead hired by a casting director.

The Casting Process in Action
Many new actors have misconceptions about how the casting process works and how to get acting jobs. Here's an example of how actors are cast.

A Star Is Found
Most casual movie watchers never stop to think about casting, but good casting is essential to making great movies.

Tips for the Beginning Actor
Let's take a good look at the real basics. Why do you want to act? What is your goal? How do you feel about performing in public or auditioning?

Tips to Increase Your Chances to Work as an Actor
An actor must approach an audition like an athlete, the more you practice the more jobs you will book.

Four Essential Acting Questions Answered
The most important and most often asked acting questions answered.

Five Essentials for Building a Character
Do not think about character or emotions. Focusing on the words takes the pressure off an actor.

Acting Tips Never Taught in Drama Class
Tips to help you better read and perform from a written script.

Acting is a Talent
Acting is a talent you are born with it. It can be polished and you can be great. But talent doesn't promise success.

Learning to Move With Ease
One thing that many actors have in common is some sort of dance or movement training.

Learning About Stillness and Acting Without Movement
Learn how to affect an audience with actions not words.

Vulnerable Acting
We all put up walls, but it's vital for actors to break down these barriers to create undeniable characters.

Performing in Front of the Lens - Tips for Actors and Models
Make your next photo shoot the most stellar yet by developing some great habits.

How to Get Work in Commercials
Commercial agents are always looking for new faces and you do not have to be beautiful or handsome to book most commercials.

Where to Learn Film Acting
There is a difference between acting on stage and acting for the camera so here's what you need to know.

How Do You Choose The Right Acting Classes?
Let me share with you my criteria for choosing an acting school, classes, or acting coach.

How to Afford College Acting Programs
The problem of affording college is nearly universal but as a former professor I do have a few suggestions.

Top US Undergraduate Acting Programs
A list of the best undergraduate acting programs in the United States.

What are Headshots and What is their Importance?
Headshots are simply an actor's photo but they are absolutely required when looking for work as an actor.

How to Choose a Great Headshot Photographer
Here are a few things to consider when looking for a headshot photographer.

How to Get Great Headshots
You need a great headshot, one that's the perfect balance of quality, individuality, and effectiveness.

Six Tips for Perfect Headshots
The actor's headshot must look professional and here is how to make sure your headshot is great.

Take Your Best Shot: A Guide to Getting Quality Headshots
One of the first steps an actor should take is getting quality headshots. Here are some easy tips to help you get your best headshot.

A Guide to Getting Great Headshots
Casting directors and agents agree on one thing in particular, your headshot has to POP.

The Perfect Headshot
I am asked this question all the time! "What is the perfect headshot?" "What do you look for when you are casting one of your movies?"

Shoot for Accuracy with Your Headshots
Your headshot is your calling card and as such, it must be an accurate reflection of how you truly appear.

Headshot & Photo Examples
These headshot examples should give you an idea of what talent agents and casting directors expect.

How to Write an Actor's Resume
Your resume speaks volumes about you as an individual and how much you can contribute as an actor.

Creating the Perfect Acting Resume
Think of your acting resume as a first audition. It must be impressive to get you further with casting.

Constructing the Perfect Acting Cover Letter
Whether you submit to a casting director, talent agent or talent agency, you should always include a resume, photos and an incredibly well crafted cover letter.

How to get Discovered
Aspiring actors often ask, "How can I get discovered?" One way that many actors get discovered is they POSITION themselves to be discovered!

Grab the Casting Directors' Attention
Three essential ways to grab the attention of the person opening an actor's self-submission envelope.

Is Self-Promotion Bad or Ugly?
For most beginning actors the only way to get the role is by promoting yourself.

Self-Promotion for the Actor
If you're thinking about becoming a professional actor you need to know how to promote yourself.

Selling Yourself as an Actor or Model in a Recession
Here is a three point plan to push your acting and modeling career forward.

Tracking Down Acting Jobs
Improving your talent to obtain work is just as vital as improving your talent to act.

How to Get a Talent Agent
Getting yourself a talent agent can be a struggle. But by following a little bit of free advice and doing some extra leg work we guarantee you will get noticed.

Finding Talent Agents and Getting Noticed
You won't find agents listed in the telephone book. So here's how you go about finding a talent agent.

How to Find a Talent Agent
Getting a good agent may not be easy but there are many things you can do to improve your chances.

How to Find an Agent... and Survive
Learn about talent agents, where to find them, and how to get one.

Talent Agent Pet Peeves
The Agent Pet Peeves list is an incredible resource from which to learn prior to meeting a booker for the first time.

Meeting with a Talent Agent
How to convince an agent that they cannot continue unless your name is on their client list.

Your Interview with an Agent
When you get that prized interview with a talent agent, you want to be as prepared as possible.

Ten Interview Blunders Actors Make - and How to Correct Them
Here are some sure-fire ways to blow your interview with a talent agent, manager, or casting director.

Auditions and What to Expect
Auditioning is a funny thing. You don't always know what the casting director is thinking or looking for. Here are some observations and experiences.

Three Solid Audition Strategies
Being an aspiring actor does not necessarily equal being a starving actor.

Four Important Audition Strategies to Know and Follow
You'll have a far greater chance of success if you are comfortable and confident performing at your audition.

Tips for a Successful Audition
You need to be very prepared for your first audition, and your consequent auditions.

Tips, Tools and Truth about Your First Audition
Budding actors lay so much importance on their first acting audition. Here are tips to get you through it.

Improve Every Audition
Auditioning can be scary. Be prepared and it will go smoother. Here are five simple ways every actor can improve their next audition.

Actors Must Beware of Zombie Casting Directors!
At some point during an auditioning you may encounter a "zombie" casting director. What is this and how can you prepare? Here are some tips.

Advice to Actors on Cold Reading & Booking Jobs
Make acting a career and learn how to successfully audition for a casting director.

Coping with Audition Nerves
Key steps to help you relax yet maintain your focus for an incredible audition.

Audition Rejection - Don't Take It Personally
There are many reasons why you might not get a role and not all of them have do with acting ability.

The Secret to Dealing with Audition Rejection
The killer audition brings pride and pride cushions some of the rejection as a kind of ego parachute.

Seven Steps for a Successful Acting Career
Several steps for laying a strong foundation for your acting career plan.

The Secret to Showbiz Success
Expect many disappointments but remember that the journey toward success has to be as important as the goal itself.

A Simple Tip for Acting Success
Embrasing life, confidence and energy is the key to an outstanding acting audition.

Acting Success Tips
Do you have what it takes to be an acting success? What is the difference between having what it takes and success?

Preparing For The Beast
Do your homework and prepare your character before you get to work because there are many distractions on set.

Overcoming the Myth of Hollywood
Overcome the myth of Hollywood where everyone is a star in order to create a successful acting career.

The Actor's Sanity Test
Here's an effective remedy for recovery when you find the endless rounds of auditions are starting to wear you down.

Aim For the Stars
If you dream of fame, fortune and the celebrity lifestyle, then here are a few tips just for you.

Ask Amy: Answers from Acting Coach Amy Lyndon
Acting coach Amy Lyndon answers your burning acting questions.

An Interview with Talent Agent Angela Morris
What it is like being a talent agent and how the good ones can help actors succeed.

An Interview with Casting Director Judy Belshe
An inside look at the casting side of the film business.

Tips for Beating Shyness
It's time to overcome your shyness and find the courage to act on stage or in front of a camera.

Courage: The Vitamin C of Acting
Your attitude, your determination, your refusal to give up will get you further than just talent alone.

Facing the Fear and Anxiety of the Unknown
Here is a list of techniques and suggestions on how to manage the fear of dealing with the unknown.

Finding and Overcoming the Source of your Fears
Learning the source of your fears and anxieties can go a long way toward finding the solution.

Finding those Techniques that will Manage your Anxieties
Overcome your persistent fears by finding those coping skills that effectively mange fear and anxiety.

How to Overcome a Fearful and Scary Situation
It is not easy to deal with the fear of the unknown, however sometimes the fear can be worse than the situation.

Learning How to Overcome your Out of Control Anxieties
Some ways to cope with your fears and anxieties.

Managing your Persistent Fears and Anxieties
A few techniques to help you deal with fear, anxiety and depression.

Never Lose Hope in Dealing with your Fears and Depression
Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking.

Our Fears and Worries can Distort the Reality of the Situation
Worries can distort our perception of reality so use these techniques during your anxious moments.

Do Not Let Fear and Anxiety Affect Your Acting or Performance
Here's a technique to keep you from feeling stressed or fearful before your performance.

Developing a Pre-Performance Routine
With some thought your routine can help you get a handle on those pre-performance jitters.

A Day in the Life of an Actor
It is not all glitz and glamour. Here is a typical day in the live of an actor.

Finding Time For Fitness
Auditions. Rehearsals. Long nights at home learning lines. Who has time for a workout--right? Wrong!

You Can Become a Successful Commercial Model
There are many different types of commercial models and here's how you can be one of them.

How to Find a Modeling Agent
It isn't easy for someone without an agent to promote themselves to fashion industry members that hire models.

Average Income for Models and Actors
What type of modeling and acting jobs are available and how much can you make.