About the Film

Type: Action, Fantasy, Thriller
Director: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Writer: Scott M. Gimple, Seth Hoffman, David S. Goyer
Awards: 4 nominations total
Plot: Johnny Blaze, tortured by the Ghost Rider's curse, gets a chance of redemption through protecting the Devil's son, whose father is pursuing him.
Hi my Name is Josh in 1999 I tired out and was picked for acting / modeling I was 17 1/2 at the time im now 28 turning 29 in june I was taught some improv and script reading. I was even trained how not to look at the camera and thinking of certain times in life good or bad to have emotions happen even thou I did not need to much as I could manipulate my emotions for the set. I quit out of the teachings due to a GF I had at the time. I was trained in pretext and many roles due to the jobs I have had in my life. I do have a Facebook Page if interested Thank you for your time.
Posted by Josh (2011-04-19) 173