Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates Chris

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Everybody Hates Chris Message Board

Welcome to the "Everybody Hates Chris" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "Everybody Hates Chris."

Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make Actingbiz.com your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.

Hey I am Pamela Sithole from Gauteng I am 14 years old and I like acting not as a job but as a hobby and I am talented in acting so if u could please give me a chance to show people what I can do I would be very happy........

Posted by pamela nokuthula sithole (2015-01-16) 7530

Hey there my name is Mmathabo and I'm from Johannesburg and I'm a girl I'm a huge fan of everybody hates chris and I'd like to act there..I'm a good actor trust me I am....About me....I'm a fashion freak a snob and I've got a sassy attitude and I don't like hurting peoples hurt but if I have to so that I can be an actor I will have to break their heart I will do anything for acting..I love acting I am a good actress trust me I am

Posted by Mmathabo (2014-09-20) 7488

Hey I'm so in love with this show&would love to be a part of it. Cause I'm very talented with comedy.& want my dream to come true so if u can help me with that I would most appreciate it.. thank you;)

Posted by william craig (2012-05-29) 6516

Im an intern model and I feel that I would be good for this show.

Posted by Kiara jones (2011-12-01) 5887

Hey My Name Is Alexia. I Enjoy School And iLove To Act, Sing, And Dance! i Love The Show Everybody Hates Chris, i Would Like To Audition For Many Other Shows But This One Is My Favorite! Please Contact Me If You Have Any Information For Me <3

Posted by alexia (2011-09-11) 5094

I'm a huge fan of the show and would love to be on it I would see myself being a really funny character I love acting Ive doing it for along time now but I would love to make an actual career out of it ! PLEASE CONTACT ME IT WOULD BE A DREAM COME TRUE !

Posted by Krysten (2011-09-06) 5053

I would love to be on everybody hates Chris, I love this show its so hilarious and I think I would be a very great asset to this show because in a way this show bring out some of the silliness in teenagers and trust me I have a lot of silliness to share with the cast of everybody hates Chris.

Posted by Ellisha Prince (2011-08-08) 4876

Hello , my name is nasir richardson . i am a 14 teen year old african american. ive been wanting to proffesionaly act every since i was 8 . ive particapated in alot of acting classes, summer programs , on stage school plays , and also workshops . my height is 5'5 . my weight is 139 pounds . ive have alot of acting experience . and i am risking everything i got to be apart of the acting business and also this t.v show . if you are interested please contact me by e-mail as soon as possible. THANK YOU !

Posted by nasir richardson (2011-07-25) 4813

I would like to be an Actress and an Extra on Everybody Hates Chris. I Love the show Everybody Hates Chris. I Love making people laugh and smile all of the time. I Love Acting.

Posted by Celes Mickle (2011-04-29) 4061

Great story, Excellent Acting, and very Hilarious Narration. All I can offer to spice this show up is my personality,and creativity in producing more episodes

Posted by diran derek (2011-03-14) 3861

Hi, My name is Desirae LIfe I'm 14 yrs old and from Fairbanks, Alaska. Getting a part on the show would be a dream come true! I think i am star material beacuse im outgoing, athletic, funny, serious and theres many more reasons. I can't get enough of the show; watch it all the time. I want to do something big in my life , and get out of this boring place.

Posted by Desirae Life (2011-02-13) 3789

hello my name is Caleb king i'm 15 i think i will make an decent cast member to one of the funniest shows from the greatest comedian ever.

Posted by caleb king (2011-01-07) 3650

Hello my name is Chris buck and I think I would do a very good job to replace Tyler James Willams as the Chris Rock on Every Body Hates Chris I do Have a similar face as him and could pusure the role.

Thank You

Posted by Chris Buck (2011-01-07) 3649

evrybody hates chris is one of my favorite shows and it will be great if i can be a actor in the tv show.

Posted by denitrius maxey (2011-01-06) 3645

Haayyy, I'm Martha! I love to watch 'everybody hates Chris' and I am really love acting.
I'd be my dream to appear in this show! I live in Toronto and nothing is really possible here but I'm realll passionate about this!

Posted by Martha Worku (2010-12-02) 3524

Hello,I'm Belviana(14) and I would LOVE to act in Everybody Hates Chris,I always wanted to act beut never really gave it any real hope until now. Really until i actually thought about it,how all my friends and family say i should act because I'm good at it,that's when i really knew i really wanted to act.

Posted by Belviana Hammond (2010-11-05) 3469

Hey I Really Love Everybody Hates Chris Please I Wanna be on The Show i Have 2 Seasons
Of Everybody Hates Chris But Im Going To Get More Please i Love The Show.....My Name Is Serenity Im 10 Years Old I Wanna Be On The Show Forever And I Know Eveyone Ok Chris/Tyler james Williams Tonya/Imani Hakim Rochelle/Tichina Arnold Julius/Terry Crews Drew/Tequan Richmond Greg/Vincent Martella Thats All I Know I Love You Guys Bye!!!!!!

Posted by Serenity (2010-10-14) 3433

Hello. My name is Ashanti,I am 13 years old and i love to watch Everybody hates Chris. I always wanted to act in a t.v show that i love to watch and this is one of them. Plz let me be in this show as a actor. Thank you so much

Posted by Ashanit Williams (2010-10-11) 3428

how can i become a actor

Posted by marcus (2010-10-08) 3404

hi i am 13 years old and i will love to act out characters on everybody hates chris its not about the fame i want to use the money to help out my family i love acting and i want to be discover please help me im from passaic new jersey

Posted by kerbly perez (2010-09-28) 3384


Posted by detra goosby (2010-09-06) 3345

My name is jazman I am 13 years of age and I would lovee an opotunity to be an extra or an actress for everybody hates chris. This is my FAVORITE show and ill LOVE to be a part of it . I am from cental falls rhode island please get back I linked my email on the top

Thank you ,


Posted by jazman (2010-08-28) 3327

Hi my name is Bryana Augustine im 14 years old and from brooklyn Ny I love this show i'm always dying wen i watch it lol but i would like a chance to appear on the show you can email me anytime hope i hear from you soon bye (:

Posted by Bryana Augustine (2010-08-07) 3289

hi my name is jordan greenway and im twleve and i would do anything to be on the show

Posted by jordan greenway (2010-07-27) 3253

Hi i am Meshawna Garrett i like this show because its funny and i like to make people laugh really hope someone looks at this because i really want to show my talents all my friends and family think im funny i like to act this has been my dream to become a actor since i was 6years old please if you think i could be a good actor please email me. thank you sign (Meshawna Garrett)

Posted by Meshawna Garrett (2010-07-22) 3237

Hi my name is McCall. I have been in several plays and i am very good at it. I am a confudent, willing, hard working girl. I am also a talkative and not shy person. I love the show Everybody Hates Chris, and i would love to be on it. I am a very successful actress in the plays i have been in. Not only am i good at acting i am also very good at dancing. I would love to have this job and even if i do not get it i will keep trying because this is what i love and this is what i want to do. thank you for ur time.

Posted by McCall (2010-06-29) 3092

Hi i am jared charles i have been in a few plays i am 12 all the plays i have had to audition for so contact me at this email for more info thanks

Posted by jared charles (2010-06-25) 3073

I am 12 going on 13. My agent wasn't getting me anything so i fired him. I do a bunch of local plays. I live in Idaho.

Posted by Trevor Ranere (2010-06-24) 3066

Hi my name is Norman Siler and i love this show i wanted to be an actor since i was 8 years of age but never got the chance. So im asking you if you have anything open can you allow me a chance to show you that i can be an actor. Im not camera shy i love meeting new people and i will go that extra mile. Also i listen and hear very well. Please help me make my dream come true.

Posted by Norman Siler (2010-06-21) 3055

Acting and singing have been apart of my life for some time now. I enjoy entertaining others with my many talents. I would absolutely Love the chance to be apart of Everybody Hates Chris.

Posted by Johnnaca Greene (2010-06-16) 3038

Hi i love Everybody hates Chris thats my favorite show. I'm 14 years old, and i am great at acting . I can do it perfectly if you have any questions or want me to do the show.

Posted by Mansour Mahadi (2010-06-13) 3029

hi im myasia and i know that i have what it takes to be a singer and actor i have more dreams that that just to much to name but if there are any recored producers pleace pick me i have had those 2 dreams since i was 3 i sing and i want the whole world to here and see what i have to show so please pick me i am the right choice

Posted by myasia ancrum (2010-06-13) 3026

hey my name georgia carpenter.my height is 5'1.im black/african american.im also light skin.

Posted by Georgia Carpenter (2010-05-27) 2992

hi my name is Thierno Tall, I am from New York the Bronx. I really love this show and this is the only show that I can picture myself into. And I'm ready to do anything just to be in this show. please contact me back. Chris Rock is my #1 comedian star and I just love the way how he narrated in this show. please contact me !! thanks for this opportunity.

Posted by Thierno Tall (2010-05-09) 2913

I love this show , I watch it eveday when I get out of school. I want to be an actress. I'll love to work with you guys on scene, it will be fun, at the same time you have to be serious. So I just want you to know acting means everything to me.

Posted by Jessyca Ford (2010-05-07) 2906

hello, i am mishal thrower and everybody hates chris is my favorite show in the WORLD!!!! LOLbut i really do love that show and im willing to do anything and everything to be in this show!!! once again i am MISHAL THROWER remember that name, im 11 years old, and live on sacramento california!!! thanks 4 this opportunity..GOD BLESS

Posted by mishal thrower (2010-04-27) 2886

Hi my name is Jay Jimenez im out going very funny i could easly see myself in a role in everybody hates chris. im 19 but have a baby face and can play roles as young as 14 and up to 20. i can change characters very fast portray many roles remember lines very well and could improvise on the spot. ive been acting since i was 9 have plenty of experience and i would be great for a role in everybody hates chris!!!!!!!!

Posted by Jay Ryan Jimenez (2010-04-18) 2834

HI my name is Shidarius Barrett i watch every body hates chris evryday i know what that character go threw cause i go threw the smae thing i am a nerd at my school and a weel known actor i am 12 i have been acting since 5 i have good experenice now i am doning to french play call Valjeans

Posted by Shidarius Barrett (2010-04-17) 2829

HI my name is Shidarius Barrett i watch every body hates chris evryday i know what that character go threw cause i go threw the smae thing i am a nerd at my school and a weel known actor i am 12 i have been acting since 5 i have good experenice now i am doning to french play call Valjeans

Posted by Shidarius Barrett (2010-04-17) 2828

Hello I am an inspiring actor that just did background acting for Tyler Perry Meet the Browns.It would just over whelm me to be on this show I love everything about the show.So if you in need of any actor dont hesitate to contact me.Thank you and GOD BLESS.

Posted by Tiffany Arnold (2010-04-09) 2804

hello i would like to sign up on everybody hates chris i am 15 yrs. old and would like to apply

Posted by jasmine (2010-04-08) 2793

This show has been cancelled.

Posted by Beth (2010-04-01) 2755

Hey my name is Bwalya I'm 13 years old in the 7th grade ,and to be honest just like anybody else I love "Everybody Hates Chris" the show brings humor and joy every time I see it.For me acting is amazing, I love playing different parts in plays it let's you be someone else for a while. Acting has been my dream since I was a little kid and saw all the kids on tv on "Sesame Street" and "Barney". I've been in a musical during this year. I would be honored to have an audition for this show. Again I love "Everbody Hates Chris"!

P.S. - Love the cast and Chris Rock is an awesome narrator!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bwalya Chisanga (2010-03-30) 2741

Hey, my name is Rachel and I'm sixteen. I absolutely LOVE this show. I have been an aspiring actress for a while now. I have a done four plays, however none recently. However, I would love to have an audition for this show. It'd be a great opportunity! Thank you,

Posted by Rachel (2010-03-30) 2739

I am jonathan allen.i watch your show alot. I can memorise all of the lines.it would be an honor if you put me on this show. So if you can take the time to read this it would make me very happy. Thank you

Posted by jonathan allen (2010-03-28) 2731

As a Kid I always wanted to act. I feel that acting is my calling and im blessed with the talent. I have acting experience also. My life with acting has been great and im really dedicaded to it. The reason im here is because I think that this is a great start for me. Also im not naive. I want people to tell me that im not doing a great job or a good job at all if it is so. This way I can improve my skills and work harder and become the best I can. If you can, please give me a chance. Im 15 years old and young and active. give me that oppertunity to become an actor and fufill my dream. Thank You!!

P.S. i love this show!!!

Posted by Brian Plant (2010-03-28) 2729

Hi, im kiona, im 17 and I luvz ERRBODI HATEZ CHRIS. I would luv to play a role in this show to show err-one tha talent i hav within mi self, u all will be amazed

Posted by KiOna (2010-03-09) 2666

hi im amber and i think i would be a great actress for everybody hates Chris. I'm talented,not shy in front of the camera,and in my eyes im a beautiful young lady but im only 12.

Posted by amber barthelemy (2010-03-04) 2654

Hi I'm a young actor that wants to be on the show Everybody Hates Chris I have been acting for awhile and even was in a show with Antononio Fargous called Toe Tags I have been told I have "it".

Posted by Jason Crosby (2010-02-16) 2581

hi my name is deondre blackshear im am from and still live in today,easton pa im 12 years old i go to easton area middle school in the 7th grade passing all my classes i want to become a actor in this tv show because im trying to help out the family with its struggles and not lets us go dow and seperrate last thing why i want to become aactress is because i love to act i act in my school play and its my dream andi want to get rich and donate a lot of money to chrarty when i get older and if i make it on this tv show

Posted by Deondre blackshear (2010-02-11) 2562

Hey, my name is Melanie Washington i'm 11 years old about to be 12 in a few weeks. Acting has been a dream of mine since i was like 6. I'm from a small town called Walden wich is in New York so i'm from Walden NY. I don't have a lot of expierience but if you just give me a chance i know i can blow you away. Please contact me you won't be disapointed. Thanks bye.

Posted by melanie washington (2010-02-07) 2546

Hello,my name is Devon Beck,Im 16 years old.I live in Lawernceville G.A,.I want to become a actor in a T.V series,I watch (EverybodyHatesChris)everyday and i think thats the show i would want to progress in. My family is full of actors,"example my sister is in music videos and commercials"I have alittle bit of acting experiance,Please contact back

Posted by Devon Beck (2010-01-26) 2511

hi im shakia allen im 19years old and i love acting and i would love to audition if you have any openings please contact me.

Posted by shakia allen (2010-01-22) 2493

Hi my name is China and I'm 13years old. I actually auditioned for everybody hates Chris to play as his little sister Tonya but I didn't get the part.
But I would like to audition for the show again because I LOVE WATCHING EVERYBODY HATE CHRIS.

Posted by China (2010-01-17) 2480

Hi my name is Dawnasha(Dawn-asia)Thompson-Billips and I attend the school ps/is 323.I am 13 years old.I have a dream when I get older it is either I want to be a lawyer.And if I don't accomplish that dream I woul like to be an actress.If I be an actress and belive in god I want to play on the show "Everybody Hates Chris".I would really love to be on that show,because I know how to act and remember lines.Another reason I want to be on that show is because I think in my opinion I think that Tyler James Williams a.k.a Chris is cute.The third reason that I really want to be on that show is because I been watching that show scince the year 2007.And the very last reason I want too be on that show is to, show my talent.I live in Brooklyn,NY.


Posted by Dawnasha Thompson-Billips (2010-01-15) 2471

Hi my name is Dawnasha(Dawn-asia)Thompson-Billips and I attend the school ps/is 323.I am 13 years old.I have a dream when I get older it is either I want to be a lawyer.And if I don't accomplish that dream I woul like to be an actress.If I be an actress and belive in god I want to play on the show "Everybody Hates Chris".I would really love to be on that show,because I know how to act and remember lines.Another reason I want to be on that show is because I think in my opinion I think that Tyler James Williams a.k.a Chris is cute.The third reason that I really want to be on that show is because I been watching that show scince the year 2007.And the very last reason I want too be on that show is to, show my talent.


Posted by Dawnasha Thompson-Billips (2010-01-15) 2470

Hey, my name is Brittany and I wouldn't mind auditioning for Everybody Hates Chris. I think its very funny show. When I had first seen the show, it thought of it as my personality meaning that it is funny at some parts and then some what serious on the others. I know I will play a good part in this show because it screams me and how I act at home and around others. The only real acting experience i have is my one year of theatre arts. People say I should act because they believe it is my passion. I believe it too.

Posted by Brittany Nicole Barnes, 20 (2010-01-12) 2464

hi my name shakai berry im 11 years old from bronx new york i will love to be on your show call me

Posted by shakai berry (2009-12-26) 2395

Hey, I'm Shaquira, I am 14 years old, African American/Native American mix with long curly hair and Everybody Hates Chris is my ENTIRE FAMILY'S favorite show! We NEVER miss an episode! I have been doing acting since the age of four and I had to quit because of personal reasons. I am now back and ready to work and being on the show would be my dream. Tyler James Williams is one of my favorite actors. I can't promise that I am the best actor or the pretiest face, because I can never be those things, no one can, but I do get compliments on the way I look from random people often and I have been around the business a few times. I promise that I want this bad enough and I have what it takes. One line, and I promise you would NOT be dissapointed.

Posted by Shaquira B. (2009-11-29) 2344

I watch the show faithfully everytime it comes on. Hi my name is Teama. I love the show because its always drama, drama ,drama. I can stir it up a lil bit more. Lets say you will never forget me, once that particular episode airs. Thats more than a promise. My family is very simular to the charactors. For me to get a role would be like i'm at home with my own crazy family. Posted by Teama Swinton(11-23-09)

Posted by Teama I. swinton (2009-11-23) 2328

Hi I am 12 years old. I am Brown, Long dark hair. I absolutely LOVE acting. It is my most favorite thing to do in the world. This is also my FAVORITE Show. I always wanted to be an Actress. I know i am young but i have always known i was going to be an Actress someday and if you can make that happen i would be soooo Greatful.

Posted by Nailah H. (2009-11-07) 2262

hay my named is shaquona and i look forward to be in the show i am 12 and i was in lil mama video g slide and i have a great personality and i will be happy to be in the show i can dance act sing rap i got a lot of great talents thank you

Posted by shaquona mitchell (2009-11-04) 2241

HI I would love to be on this show , it is the best out their for a 13 year old who working on been an actor, please find me........you just never know where your dream take you.

Posted by ANTHONY (2009-10-29) 2234

Hi Deandre' Lee yes i'm back again saying that I think you could use a guy like me in the show. I watch every show that comes on including reruns, I record all the shows I can, and I buy the dvds's

Posted by Deandre' Lee (2009-10-25) 2215

i will want to be on this show...i watch this show every single night....i am in drama at school...when i grow i want to be an actress.

Posted by Jamira Williams (2009-10-23) 2208

I'm Deandre' Lee and you might have notice that I have typed on this wall yesterday like I said before I would love to be on the show everybody hates chris, I am a good person, easy to get along with and when it comes down to work I get into my character shoes and act that part and act it well. I'm 15 years old and I live in Birmingham, AL.

Posted by Deandre' Lee (2009-10-23) 2207

My name is Deandre' Lee and i think i would be a great addition to the show im 15 years old, i stand at 5 feet 6 inches, im african american with a low hair cut. I can play any role from a young thug to the being as kind as Michael Jackson was R.I.P Michael.

Posted by Deandre' Lee (2009-10-22) 2203

My name is Aliya. Im a big fan of Every body hates Chris, I really want to be on the show. I am a blonde, with blue eyes. I can be very sassy or sweet when it comes to acting, what ever I need to do. Thats me! :)

Posted by Aliya Delory (2009-10-19) 2192

I would love to be on Everybody Hates Chris!!! I watch the show like everytime it comes on!!! Acting is my all time dream!! To be on this show would mean the world to me! I would also love to work with Tyler James Williams and T-Rich!!!

Posted by Jasmine (2009-10-13) 2180

hi im tychan i love everbody hates chris i love to act and i can play any role on this show

Posted by tychan (2009-08-21) 1991

I love Everybody Hates Chris And I would love to be able to audition for the show im 15-in a half and I love to act and sing, I have wanted to act since I was young and I would love to be able to audition for the show. I have a good personality and I persevere,I have allot of determination and im willing to work hard because this is somthing I have always wanted to do.

Posted by jessica v. (2009-08-16) 1968

hey my name is siani... but i go by si'je tazer i just wanted to know if any upcomming tryouts were avaliable soon. i am a young teen looking for my big break. i have medium expirence but i know what i am doing thanks to my acting coach. i have multiple talents sucu as music, insturments, modeling, art.ect. please e-mail me and give me a chance... you could really help me follow my dreams of playing on my favorite show..

Posted by Si'Je Tazer (2009-08-14) 1959

HELLO i am jerrell leviston i am 13 yrs old from chesapeak V"A me and my entire family are a fan of everybody hates chris mostly me i love acting as another person are anyone i can discize my voice to almost anything and i will do anything to keep ur vewers watching and the hold set entertained

Posted by jerrell leviston (2009-07-30) 1869

My name is Asia Marche and I am 14 going on 15, I am star material because I believe I can entertain America. I always wanted to be on television and I believe that I am a very good actress because I can make the character I transform into believable and I want the world to see what I can do.

Posted by Asia (2009-07-09) 1748

Hello my name is (Marty Jefferson) im 16 years of age. Acting and music is my every thing i've been doing since dippars, i've also acted in school plays and plays at recreation centers.This has aways been my dream and im tryna get my feet wet because life is just to short and tommorrow isnt promise.I know im right for the part hope you pick me you just dont know what good actor u got on your hands.

Marty Jefferson

Posted by Marty Jefferson (2009-03-25) 1193

Hello my name is (Marty Jefferson) im 16 years of age. Acting and music is my every thing i've been doing since dippars, i've also acted in school plays and plays at recreation centers.This has aways been my dream and im tryna get my feet wet because life is just to short and tommorrow isnt promise.I know im right for the part hope you pick me you just dont know what good actor u got on your hands.

Marty Jefferson

Posted by Marty Jefferson (2009-03-25) 1192

Hello my name is (Marty Jefferson) im 16 years of age. Acting and music is my every thing i've been doing since dippars, i've also acted in school plays and plays at recreation centers.This has aways been my dream and im tryna get my feet wet because life is just to short and tommorrow isnt promise.I know im right for the part hope you pick me you just dont know what good actor u got on your hands.

Marty Jefferson

Posted by Marty Jefferson (2009-03-25) 1191

Hey any body who is looking at my post i need it really bad because i been threw so much in my life people always bring my spirit down but i keep getting back up and go for my dream acting. I am a African american boy who is 14 years of age and i stay in North carolina I really do need a role so if anyone have one tell me please pick me any how you can but i stay in wilson North Carolina

Posted by Shakeem lucas (2009-03-10) 1112

Im 14 and I absolutley adore acting!! The cast is great and you guys inspire me to do my best1:)

Posted by Lorin (2009-02-17) 1019

i would love to play some type of part on this show like you don't undewrstand for me to be an extra or just on the set would mean alot to me

do they have any auditions

Posted by amelia (2009-01-19) 906

im 16 from charlotte NC this show is funny and i would love to be on it

Posted by darin (2009-01-01) 740

this show is funny and i would love to be on it

Posted by darin (2009-01-01) 739

aye im deon i stay in westland michigan,I like the everybody hate chris show im 16 male, chris rock my favorite comedian, i wont to get on dat show, it can benifit a lot, i can get my family out Detroit if i get dis role and picked for auditions starten here, Also acting is something I always been in to doing

Posted by Deon (2008-12-25) 714

Hello my name is william i am 19 years old and I live tampa florida and l love to be on this show because this show remind me and this is my favortie show to watch and i have all the season on dvd i hope you pick me to be on this show.

Posted by William Carter (2008-12-22) 701

this show is so funny it would be even funnier with a person with my personality on it

Posted by keisha (2008-12-15) 670

Hello, i am really into the acting industry. I have started in ( a short film) ( the reading machine on sunnyside lane) ( this far by faith) and have took many acting lessons. My number one dream is to star on television. I wqant let you down if you respond.

Posted by Brandon lewis (2008-11-14) 563

I watch this show frequently and i luv to act I'm also good with lines

Posted by Miracle D (2008-10-14) 477

I would love to be on this show more than any thing in the world im good at acting and im realy funny!!!!!!

Posted by richardson (2008-09-28) 422

Hi guys, I'm Dova-Symane. I'm 13 years old and live in Minnesota. I would love to get a role in the show!

Posted by Dova-Symane (2008-09-24) 393

Hi, as you know, my name is Raphael Thompson. I want to be an actor on the Everybody Hates Chris Show. I love to remember lines and act out characters! I would love to audition for the Everybody Hates Chris Show. I'm 12 years old and from Chicago, Illinois.

Posted by Raphael Thompson (2008-08-04) 173

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2018 Series - Streaming on Netflix

Magic and mischief collide as half-human, half-witch Sabrina navigates between two worlds: mortal teen life and her family's legacy, the Church of Night. While Greendale readies for a Halloween eclipse, Sabrina faces a crucial decision and Harvey makes an unexpected declaration.

Kiernan Shipka ("Mad Men") stars in this adaptation of the horror comic series by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa ("Riverdale"). Source Netflix


Dead to Me Movie Poster

Dead to Me

Drama Crime Comedy TV‑MA

2019 Series - Streaming on Netflix

A hotheaded widow searching for the hit-and-run driver who mowed down her husband befriends an eccentric optimist who isn't quite what she seems. Overwhelmed by grief and anger after her husband's sudden death, acerbic real estate agent Jen meets tenderhearted Judy at a support group.

Christina Applegate earned Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for her role in this series co-starring Linda Cardellini. Source Netflix


Movies in the Spotlight

El Camino Movie Poster

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

Drama Crime Thriller TV‑MA

2019 (2h 2m) - Streaming on Netflix

Former student turned crystal meth drug kingpin fugitive, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), attempts to outrun his past in this western-style crime thriller. Aaron Paul reprises his Emmy-winning role in this film written and directed by "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan. Won "Best Movie Made for Television" by the Critics' Choice Television Awards. Source Netflix


GoldenEye Movie Poster


Action Adventure PG‑13

1995 (2h 9m) - Streaming on Netflix

Pierce Brosnan takes his first turn as debonair secret agent James Bond, who investigates the destruction of a Russian satellite weapons base.

Pierce Brosnan's first Bond film opened at No. 1 at the box office, reinvigorating the 007 franchise. Source Netflix


6 Underground Movie Poster

6 Underground

Action Adventure Thriller R

2019 (2h 8m) - Streaming on Netflix

After faking his death, a tech billionaire recruits a team of international operatives for a bold and bloody mission to take down a brutal dictator.

Ryan Reynolds leads an international vigilante squad in this adrenaline-propelled action thriller directed by Michael Bay. Source Netflix


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