Welcome to the "How I Met Your Mother" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "How I Met Your Mother."
Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make Actingbiz.com your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.
I have been a fan of this show for a very long time. I have always been compared to ted, I hopeless romantic trying to find his wife. I am 25 years young and love the atmosphere of the show. It would make my life to even just be an extra at the bar. I was a front man in a band for over 5 years so I have plenty of experience in an "acting" or crowd scenario. Part of being a front man is entertaining the crowd and making them believe your music and your passion. I'd love to grab a fake (or real) beer at MacLaren's. It would be LEGAND.....wait for it.
Posted by Christian (2013-07-25) 7231
My daughter turns 21 this year (June 26) and she's asking to be an "extra" on her FAVORITE TV SHOW: How I Met Your Mother! She is very talented & has quite a funny personality. She's been in the drama club at school, in many plays & would love to be considered for any spot (however minor). Please comment regarding this request. I am a realist, but she's quite the dreamer! This would make one of her dreams come true! Thanks, a loving mother!
Posted by Charlene (2013-03-14) 7144
Hello there, my name is Jessica and I'm 14 years old, my dad and I have watched this show since it was aired and we absolutely love it. I think it would be amazing to be in How I Met Your Mother, my desire is to become a main character, but I would be honored to just be an extra, I am 5'8 long dark brown hair and brown eyes, I guess that doesn't mean much too you, but my idea was that Ted bumps into this teenage girl (me hopefully), and all the things she says reminds her of Barney ( like his little catch phrases) and suppose she has a friend and she ( me again hopefully) is all like haaaaave you met______ that is just something can't get out of my head for the past few years, I mean what if Barney found his mini me!? I think that would be cool, well hopefully you will consider, thanks, I mean if you actually read this.
- Jessica
Posted by Jessica (2013-01-07) 7095
first i would like to start y introducing myself, my name is Simon Mc Connon, i'm 16 and i'm 5" 3 inches and i have brown and i'm Irish. The fact that i am looking for an audition is because my friends always tell me to apply. anyway, i have been acting and singing since the age of four and i have been in multiple roles in many shows in Northern Ireland including, Oklahoma and The Producers, directed by Peter Corry. Also i have been acting in many smaller shows with many local drama club such as Peter Pan and at this time in the group i am in, we are now writing our second script. that's pretty me and my life and i am searching for a small part. Can you help me?
Posted by Simon Mc Connon (2012-11-03) 6891
Hi my names James and this is my FAVOURITE show of all time. I am 15 years old live in Australia and love acting and want to make it my career i am 5ft 6inches tall and have brown hair and green eyes. I would love the opportunity to work with my TV heros.
Posted by James Martin (2012-10-30) 6881
My boyfriend would be over the moon to be an extra in a scene in MacLaren's--just one of those randos in the background. If there's any possible way, I would love to make this happen for him.
Posted by Jodi D (2012-08-17) 6758
Hi, my name is Margaret and I'm 14. I'm 5"6-5"7-ish. I have dark brown eyes and red hair (I know, weird combination, right?) I love fine arts, I do a lot of charcoal drawings and acrylic paintings, also I play four instruments but I would consider acting. I have been in a couple of school plays. I live in the mid-western United States and I have a big personality once I open up to people. And I absolutely love How I Met Your Mother it's so funny and even though it's been on air for 7 years, it doesn't get old!
Posted by Margaret S (2012-07-18) 6709
Hello everyone! My name is Tiffany and I am 15 years old and 5'3", but I haven't hit my growth spurt yet (keeping my fingers crossed). I LOVE How I Met Your Mother because it was my transition from nick and Disney Channel. Being Asian, my life has been mostly based on academics and dance and sports.so yes, I can dance (ballet) and also sing. :) however, if I can get the start, I would love to consider an acting or modeling career because I love the fine arts. It would also be much more fun than dissecting human bodies. (although I do appreciate all the doctors). I live in CA, and if anyone knows an agency of auditions near me, Plz tell me:). Especially anything in the summer. Maybe even an internship.
Posted by Tiffany Z (2012-01-23) 6086
I am Ronnie, 22. Live in NY. 5'7"
Posted by Ronnie (2012-01-17) 6067
Hi, my name is Leah and I think How I Met Your Mother is an amazing show! The writing is great, the acting is phenomenal, and it is so much fun for the viewers! I'm 17 years old (5'5, 116 lbs, brown hair, hazel eyes) and it would be a dream come true to actually be on this show, even just as an extra. I've been acting for 8 years and have always hoped to one day be able to make it onscreen. If there are any college students on the show that need casting, please contact me.
Posted by Leah (2012-01-14) 6055
Hello, my name is Sofi and i would love to be an extra on How I Met your mother. I'm a big fan of the show, and I have seen every single episode. I am 18 years old and speak 4 languages perfectly, english, swedish, german and french. Being on the show would mean so much to me!
Posted by Sofi (2011-12-18) 5947
Hi, my name is Sarah. I am 15 (almost 16 years old), 5 foot 7, 109 pounds, I live in Iowa. I have brown hair and blue eyes
Posted by Sarah (2011-11-15) 5786
Hi, I am 15 years old and live in Australia. I am one of the biggest fans of the show, I have seen almost every episode from season 1 to 7 and would love to be on the show in any type of role. I would love to experience this as it is a dream. I am currently undertaking acting classes at school and believe I have what it takes
Please get back to me.
Thank you
Posted by Bernard (2011-11-14) 5783
Hey, Im Adrian. 15 y/o. Filipino. I watched every episode. I think Robin should be a cougar and dating me in the show, have a lot of bed scenes. And I'm so legend ..................... dary.
If ever you need an awesome actor for that part. Please feel free to approach me.
My email is sent to you
Im Adrian C and approve this message.
Posted by Adrian C (2011-10-17) 5554
Hey i'm Kristen Oh my gosh I love this show so much! I am 14 and i want to be an actress I'm taking acting classes now! I don't care what i am i just want to be in this show (: I take acting very seriously though... it's my dream and I will plan on following it forever!(:
Posted by Kristen Lockwood (2011-09-28) 5193
Hi my name is Haley and i amd 13 5'4 and i live in Port Orange Florida. I have always been inspired to be an actress.How i met your mother is one of the funniest shows i watch and i love the plot of it. Everyday i dream of becoming liek a big actress and meeting all of these actors and actresses. Please pick me for a cast.
Posted by Haley (2011-09-05) 5051
Hey my name is Aaron I am 17 years old and I want to become an actor. I love acting and How I Met Your Mother is my favorite series and it would be awesome to be a part in an episode or maybe in more than one episode. I also have a youtube channel www.youtube.com/AaronHruska where you can check me out. It would be so great if you contact me I can promise you that you won't regret it.
p.s. I live in germany but I would have the possibility to stay in america. I also speak american english not british english.
Posted by Aaron Hruska (2011-08-25) 4996
Hi my name is Dana I am 14 almost 15 and I've wanted to be an actress since the 3rd grade. I have never thought of any other career path. I'll do almost anything to be an actress. I don't even care if I;m famous as long as I'm acting I'll be happy. Plus I love how I met your mother it's so funny and great. I love it! I've been trying everything i can to become an actress. Every day i want to be one more and more. Every time I watch t.v I want to be one more and more. Acting is the only thing
I've every dreamed of.
Posted by Dana DiAngelo (2011-08-05) 4864
MY email is sent to you
Posted by Jarred Wilson (2011-07-25) 4820
My dream is to become a Actor like all these wonderful people want to become and what you guys are doing.I'm trying my best to find someone to help me get there .I live in South Africa and i know that there is a greater chance of me getting into Acting in America.Yes not everyone can live their dreams but what counts is that they try.And I'm probably going to try my entire life and by doing that i hope to get into Acting even if it is somewhere small to start ill be grateful ,i cant ask for anymore more but in this experience of trying to get somewhere i know my fight towards getting there would change me into a different person learning most of all to never back down and if i become that person and don't reach my goal,ill be proud i gave it a run for and most grateful, to be honest i would really like to end up in a show like" How i met your mother" in means maybe not the actual show unless you guys are looking for people but a show just as big.God bless you for bringing us entertainment thank you all. If i don't reach my goal in this lifetime maybe one day in heaven i will or maybe wouldn't need to because every one will be satisfied in that place.I am Jarred Alex Wilson and I'm (6.4height)(70lbs)(brown greenish Orange eyes)(white)(red hair)I'm a musician (piano player) hope guys get to read my message or anybody.my passion (Acting and God) Thank You keep well and keep doing what you guys do.
Posted by Jarred Wilson (2011-07-25) 4819
I am from a small town but I know comedy. I am also in good shape, I play arena football. Did a lot of improv acting in high school and feel I should follow up that with acting, and what better show than the best comedy series out now? I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Give me a shot, look forward to hearing from you.
Posted by Brady Hoffman (2011-07-19) 4768
My name is Perry. I watch every episode of HIMYM. I love it. The reason I enjoy it so much, is because the actors are portrayed at around my age range. I'm 30 years old and have done a few plays/musicals including Lucky, Lucky Hudson and the 12th Street Gang, in that I had multiple parts, Including "The Boss" and "The Warden". I've played Jesus in church plays, and in middle school I played Cybernella...I do not make a pretty girl. But I can do many different parts. Including singing.
Thank you
Posted by Perry Merriel (2011-06-23) 4572
My names is Martha. I am 18 years old, slim, light brown hair, caucasian and i am 5,67. I am from Sweden and Norway. I go to a drama highschool. I would really like to have a chance at this.
Posted by Martha (2011-06-12) 4515
Any extra spots for two Aussies (both 28, male and female) who love the show and are passing through town in early June?
Posted by Camilla (2011-05-07) 4123
Marshall....i look like marshall. i don't know how that got left off haha : \
Posted by Ian Ondera (2011-04-22) 3993
What up? I'm Ian, and one thing i can't seem to escape is being told how much i look like. the shows freakin hilarious! keep bringin us a happy place to go.
Posted by Ian Ondera (2011-04-22) 3992
im avery i live in canada eh! new brunswick and ive always wanted to be a star and your show is hillarious.(;
Posted by avery (2011-04-06) 3933
my names braxton nix im 16 an 5'7. i got dark brown hair im a natural born actor its somethin i love doin...! ive always wanted to act for a tv show or movie as a lead role or extra i jus wana have the chance to experience it and make a career of it
Posted by braxton (2011-04-05) 3927
love acting im from philly, funny guy u know just hmu if youre intersted
Posted by Marko Nac (2011-03-07) 3837
Hi, I'm Emily Rodriguez and I'm 14 years old. I have school theater experience as well as national forensics placing (basically, a 10 minute memorized play where you play all the characters, at least in my event), but I think I have what it takes to act beyond this scenario. I am a huge fan of HIMYM and love to play lazer tag :). If I were to have a chance to audition for ANY role, that would be LEGEN * wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the next half of that word is* DARY!
Posted by Emily (2011-01-09) 3661
My name is Utsab Giri. I am 19 and 5"8.
I've watched every single episode of How I Met Your Mother and am a huge fan of the first season. It was and still is unlike anything I've ever seen.
I live in NYC. I can act, sing, and look cool. :D
Thank you
Posted by Utsab Giri (2011-01-05) 3642
My name is Korlei and I am 14 years old (But i could look 13-15 with the right makeup). I am a girl with brown curly hair, brown (if not black) eyes and naturally tan skin. I am thin and weigh approximately 41 kilos and measure 163cm. I absolutely ADORE How I Met Your Mother. The actors impress me and the scenarios could not be a centimeter better! I would be completely amazed and enchanted if I was asked to play even a minor role in How I Met Your Mother. Acting is my passion as well as film making. I have been making films on my mac with imovie for a few months and starring in my own movies. I really enjoy to act and I am very flexible on the type of character I am asked to play. I am SUPER motivated and could not be more exited!
I do not have much experience, although I did a few weeks in NYFA (New York Film academy) and I am ready to do anything (well just anything ^_^)
I have a strong personality and live to laugh.
Thank you for time
K. Rochat
Posted by K. Rochat (2010-10-24) 3448
Hi. Im minoovash 22 years old from Iran. I love how i met your mother and every time i see ranjeet the driver who is iranian, i wish i could be in this show.
by the way im an actress here i play performance and im a university student i study theater, drama. and ive played in many performances and i won the best actress prize 2 times from the Iran internatinal theater festival. i am a very good actress especialy in comedy.I have many experience and im a professional in my job. im 162cm and 45kg. black eyes and hair, waitting for ur emal
thank u bye
Posted by minoovash (2010-09-21) 3372
Hey my name is kelly im 18 years old and me and my brother darren who is 19 years old love acting and have been looking for auditions for films for years.
we both love how i met your mother and would love to get the chance to star in it.
please let me know as soon as x thank you
Posted by kelly ann louise warrener (2010-03-14) 2680
Hi i'm samuel eighteen. 21 brown hair blue eyes 5,8 i have been watching how i met your mother for about 3weeks now and i have never laughed so much in my life.. im always on the end of my chair to see what happens next.
I live in the uk and have been looking at getting into acting also do abit of animation work.. im always ina good mood and having a laugh. i would really like to be on the show i think it would be amazing to have that chance and experience.
Many thanks :)
samuel eighteen
Posted by Samuel Eighteen (2010-02-08) 2551
hi, im brandon wright. im 18 years old.
Im in film school, at penn state
how i met your mother is my favorite show.
ive made tons of films and acted in a bunch of films.
one of my dreams is to be on ur show and have some funny conversations with ted and barney.
i know everybody says this and i know yule prolly look for the person that has the most charisma and will be the best candidate. and im not gonna insult anybody and say thats me because its prolly not true and im extremely happy for whoever does get on the show. Im just saying it wud be an honor to be on the show, and it'll always be my dreamm.
Posted by Brandon Wright (2009-12-01) 2349
Hi! my name is Renata, i am Canadian and Croatian and i am 13 years old.
168 cm is my current height. i have long dark brown hair, and brown eyes.
my talents are: acting singing and horse back riding.
I REALLY love how i met your mother.
pleasepleaseplease if your by any chance interested please contact me.
Posted by Renata (2009-08-25) 2007
Hello! My name is karissa and, i know the show well, but i think its a grate production, and im looking for something, to start with, i know how to act well, and i think ill do well. Im 14, and skinnny, nice, brown hair/eyes, five foot two
Posted by karissa (2009-04-18) 1323
Hi, I'm Mia and I'm 13 years old. I am only 5 feet, but I can wear heels right? How I Met Your Mother is my favorite show, and I've always wanted to be a part of it. I've been in school plays and have gotten the leading roles in both. I am VERY outgoing, and have a strong passion for acting. Please let me live my dream by casting me a role in How I Met Your Mother. I really want to have some acting experience and follow my dreams.
Posted by Mia Vicino (2009-01-26) 934
Hello, my name is Brooke Hall and I am 15 years old and I absolutely love TV shows. I have acted in school plays and I have directed 2 plays. I love to right plays and one day I hope to be a director and producer. Acting is really important to me, though. I have a very outgoing and funny personality. I do the best that I can to follow my dreams and I have succeeded in that task. I have written plays and put them into competitions and won. Please help me to to achieve my next step in following my dreams. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
Brooke Hall
Posted by Brooke Hall (2009-01-04) 832
Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3" and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,
Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 797
Become an Actor, Actress or Extra by joining the world's leading acting community. Find acting tips, casting calls & auditions, career networking tools, and SAG-AFTRA talent agents.
Post your profile, photos, resume and videos so you can be discovered by casting directors and talent scouts around the world. You might even get a chance to appear on a TV show like "How I Met Your Mother."
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How I met your mother is my favorite show, i love this show. my favorite character is Robin. im 5'4 I have brown hair. my bbirthday march 7 1998. please I want to be apart of the show I will give it my all. im just a litte girl chasing my dreams.
Posted by Eva Quezada (2014-01-03) 7309