Welcome to the "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit."
Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make Actingbiz.com your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.
im 15 going on 16
im 5'3"
african american
played in elementry plays i play in church plays and i love acting !
I live in scott,lousiana the closest i can travel is Baton rouge
Posted by Brittnea Tolliver (2014-05-21) 7410
HI there,
I'm Desiree i am 16 year old and 5'0 I'm half afghan and half Caucasian. i speak Farsi fluently i have brown hair and blue/ green/ grey eyes. I'm a ballet dancer and Acting is my passion. Ive been in many plays and performances i absolutely love it. Ive been watching this show sense the second grade and have watched every episode on Netflix. it would be fantastic if i could even have the opportunity to audition. if its a possibility please e-mail me thanks you and have a good one :)
Posted by Desiree bell-bassam (2013-06-02) 7204
Hi, my name is Lisa I am a 24yrs caucasian 5"3 would love to audition or attend an open call for the show. Feel free to contact me for photos, resume ect.. Thanks so much.
Posted by Lisa Padwa (2013-03-08) 7139
Hi I'm Alayjah Holland and I love to act it's been my dream ever since I was a little girl to act!
And every time my mom and I watch SVU, I ask her mom how do I get on the show? And she tells me we have to find connections and Lock on-line. I finally find something! And I'm so excited <3
Age: 14 ( can play older roles and younger roles from 12-16)
Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 5'3
I live in DC and If I didn't have acting, singing, modeling, and dancing ( yes I'm multi talented lol ) I would just die and the world would be so boring! So please contact me I promise I wont let you down! I'm outgoing, spontaneous, Adventurous, Active, A big ball of energy, Sometimes I can be a bit of a drama queen but only at the right times! So please contact me <3
Posted by Alayjah Holland (2013-01-24) 7115
Hi. I'm Janeia. I'm 14 years old, 5'3", and African American. I have always wanted to be on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I have big, dark brown eyes and a dark-ish skin tone. I am mostly able to cry on cue. On one of your casting calls you said that you were looking for an African American female who was 13-14 years old. I even wrote an idea for an episode that I was hoping to show someone and see if they would take it into consideration.
Posted by Janeia Lindsey (2012-07-12) 6659
I would love to audition for law an order
Posted by tufuar johnson (2012-05-05) 6468
I am a 60sh attractive woman. I have had acting training with Jeremy Comey and would love a part on your show. I am classy, animated, dignified and a pretty Scandinavian woman. I was a legal secretary for many years and have experience in the legal field and could understand and add dynamic to a part I was given.
Posted by nancy trense (2012-04-18) 6419
hi, my name is stacy, i am 33 and im white and 5'0, i live in indiana. my dream is to be on the tv show, law and order svu. can someone help me out with how to do this. thankyou
Posted by stacy mitchell (2012-02-08) 6164
Hello. My name is Katelyn and I am 14 years old. I'm white and 5' 3".I live in Orange County, California. My dream is to become an actress. I have taken 2 years of Renaissance, which is a class that focuses on encouraging kids to get better grades by a 30 minute show, where the kids in the class act to make the kids realize they should try and get better grades. I have also taken Choir to focus a little more on my vocal cords. I have also taken theater classes, dance classes and even acted at Universal Studios in the special effect show. Everyday when I come home from school, I practice my acting skills to try and improve on my acting. I have the face of an actress and can act very well. I have greenish gray eyes and I'm skinny. I can cry whenever I want, I can be drama queen, I can be the sweetest person ever, I can be whatever you need. I've watched every single show of Law and Order: SVU and I love it. I always dreamt of myself being on that show. Everytime I watch it, I picture myself as the victim and copy every word she says. It we be an honor if I got a role for this show. Thank you for you consideration.
Posted by Katelyn (2012-01-04) 6016
Hi my name is Sanaa am a big fun of Law & Order I speak English French and Arabic fluently .. my dream is to be part of your show ..... for more infos email me Please ;) .....
Posted by Sanaa (2011-12-12) 5930
hi my name is katy. i am a pretty good actress. i take a drama and theater class in myn shool. i can sometimes make myself cry. i would love to have the oner of being on svu. i will tell u a little about myself.
-i have blue eyes
-im a good singer
-brown hair
-im 5 foot 3 inches
-i can look like a 13-15 yearold with enough makeup
Posted by Katy (2011-11-26) 5858
Hi I'm carisa and I'm 5"3 I'm 14 years old I have hazel eyes and iv always wanted to be on your show because you guys are awsome I live in orlando Florida and please please please let me go on your show!!:)
Posted by Carisa helton (2011-11-05) 5734
Hello, my name is Jordan Hill. I am 18 years old. I have brown hair, 5'2", and very athletic. I play tennis and volleyball. I attend college and am playing tennis at the college. I am majoring in criminal justice and minoring in communications. I have watched Law and Order for five years and feel as if I could act, but as if it is real. I am very interested in acting for this show. I was recently supposed to act for the show "Pretty Little Liars", but was unable to because of family purposes. My ambitions are high, but my personality is mellow. I am not a hard person to get along with and I listen and comprehend very well. I feel as if I will make a great actress on this show because my acting skills are well put together, and I listen to the things I am supposed to. Thank you.
Posted by jordan hill (2011-10-28) 5653
Hello my name is Candesha Arrington. I'm 5'7 or 5'8 and I'm 15 years old and I'm in the 10th grade. I'm an African-American girl. Iam very intelligent and very smart I make really good grades in school. I really love the show. I would really love to be on the show. I have been watching the show for about 4 years. I also really love the episode when Tiffany Evans was on there. I live in Columbus,MS. I would really hope that some one would get back with me very soon. I have no experience in the acting career but I think that I would be a great person to do a part in the show. Well thanks and again hope hear soon.
Candesha Arrington
Posted by Candesha Arrington (2011-10-03) 5231
Hello, my name is Amanda and I'm 17 years old and I would love to be on Law and Order SVU, i have blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'4, average weight, I'm white (italian), I live in New York, and i have never had experience in the acting career but I love this show and I think I would be good in any part.
Posted by Amanda Fitzula (2011-09-20) 5139
I will like to be on the show. I've watched the show ever since the first episode never missed an episode. I am hispanic about 5'4 5'3 and 14. Being on the show is one of my many dreams If you can please contact me at my Email. thanks
Posted by Francisco (2011-09-10) 5084
I'm 5'3 , i have Auburn hair and blue-green eyes. i'll be GREAT for This Show!
Posted by Danielle (2011-09-09) 5078
Hi!! My name is Tayler I'm:
*hazel green eyes
*chocolate brown hair
*fair skin
*live in Oregon but love New York
*currently involved in drama
*attend a Catholic College Prep high school
*a good singer
*sweet, outgoing, cute, ect...
*not insulted by constructive criticism
*perfect for law and order:svu
*idolize Mariska Hargitay!!
Posted by Tayler (2011-08-30) 5019
Hello my name is Elizabeth and i would like to be on Law & Order SVU.
- I am 14
- I am 5' 7
-I have light skin, blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair.
- i have had modeling experience, little acting; but some.
- I live in New York , and am from New York City.
I love this show and i watch at least one episode a day, and I just love everything about it. I find it so interesting and I want to work in the SVU when I am older. I would like to be a part of an episode, would you please contact me by email if you need anyone. Thank you so much!
Posted by Elizabeth (2011-08-26) 5004
hello i am a 13 year old girl i live in new york city. I'm 5'4 i have been in many performances in and out of school.I Love acting i will really play any role that is available. i am very serious about my show business i love law and order special victims unit its my favorite show of all time.If you would please contact or email me back i gradually appreciate it thanks for your time.
Posted by Jihan farah nacel (2011-08-07) 4872
Hello my name is Allison D'Agostino (Alli for short). I live in Colorado. I am 14, almost fifteen, years old an I have been acting since I was 5 years old. I would love for the opportunity for an audition for one of my favorite shows LAW AND ORDER: SVU. I am 5'1 1/2, 110 lbs, I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am of Italian decent along with many other nationalities (but mostly Italian). I would most definitely be willing to take any part on the show I would be suited for whether that is an extra, a supporting role, a lead, or none at all if I am not right for the part. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If some one would be able to contact me through this message that would be great and yet again thanks you for taking your time to read this
Posted by Alli D'Agostino (2011-08-06) 4865
Hi! my name is Tabitha Barnett also known as Tabby and I am 15 years old. Ever since i was 7 years old I loved to put on fashion shows and plays with my friends and show them to my family. Ever since I was 9 I have been taking acting classes. when i was 3 i took ballet until I was 5 and I started dance again when I was 13. I am 5"5 and I have always wanted a shot to be on t.v. My family and I have been watching SVU since i was about 8.
Posted by Tabitha Barnett (2011-08-01) 4849
Hello! My name is Ainsley Strachan. I'm 15 years old and 5'4, I do look older for my age and I can do mature work. I can act pretty well and have been in acting classes since the beginning of the year of 2011. I'm also a big fan of Law & Order SVU! It would be a dream to be on this show and I promise I will not disappoint!
Posted by Ainsley Strachan (2011-07-24) 4809
Hi. I am an 18-year-old young brunette named Louis McCann, and ever since I first saw this show years ago, I always thought it was a bit more exciting that the original. Just no, I would love to have a role on the show. I've been in a few of my school's plays, and I really like to act. Maybe you don't think I'm worth it, but if you give me a chance, I'll show how dedicated I can be to the show. I will!
Posted by Louis (2011-07-15) 4739
Hi, my name is Taylor. I'm a 16 year old girl from a divorced family. I am a 5'2" brunette but I dye my hair blonde. I am in LOVE with Law and Order: SVU! I have always loved it and would love for a role on SVU. I believe that I could do very well acting for this show, I have experienced alot in my short life and can relate to quite a bit of the stuff this show is famous for. Please please please contact me? I would be the happiest girl ever if I got to be on this show with all the wonderful actors/actresses!
Posted by Taylor (2011-07-06) 4678
Hello, my name is Kristin. I'm 19,@ I'm Russian been here 7 yrs. This show is my favorite every time its on I scream of excitement. I really would love to be in the show I always wanted to act since I was a kid. It would be amazing if could be in the show
Posted by Kristina (2011-07-06) 4671
Hello, My name is kenya, i'm 17 years old and i've been a veiwer and fan of this show ever since I could remember. I had a rough childhood and has recently been involved with things that girls my age shouldn't. I believe that i would be a great actress for a victim's role in this show. I would really appreciate an audition.
Posted by Kenya Ceasar (2011-06-28) 4629
I'm a 14 year old american female about 5'3" i have dark brown hair & big brown eyes. It is my dream to become an actress even though i have no acting experience other than short skits in elementary school.I can be dramatic and funny. I love svu and Mariska is my idol. It would be an honor to be in any part of the show if its aired in Michigan.
Posted by Ann J. (2011-06-25) 4589
I have experience in acting. I can be very dramatic, funny, and sad. I'm very outgoing and follow directions quite well. My dream has been acting since I was four years old. I want to be alot like Olivia too. I'd be a great role in this show. I'm 14 years old, 5'3 and ready to act!
Posted by Emily Shields (2011-06-22) 4565
Hey my name is Kaytlyn and i am a14 year old american about 5'2 and i love SVU and it would be an honor to be in the show as an extra. i love SVU like i said before and all the characters are great. Ilove you guys1
Posted by Kaytlyn Riccairdi (2011-05-20) 4294
I love suv. and it would be an honor to be in a show as an extra. I am 14 years old about 5'2" of asian heritage. I LOVE Olivia Benson, and i really want to become someone with the job that her character portrays.
Posted by Isabel Rodriguez (2011-05-20) 4274
hi im selvedin grahovic im 13 years old male brown hair brown eyes tan and ive always wanted to act!!! its my dream and i will never let that go! pleasee !!! can you make my dream come true ! please!!
Posted by selvedin (2011-05-17) 4231
I'm a 28 year old college graduate. I am very animated although I have no acting experience.I am 5'7", I love Law& Order from Lenny Briscoe to the present episodes. To start off as an extra in one of my favorite tv show would be awesome.
Posted by Christina (2011-04-21) 3989
Im not going to come on here and tell you 'oh I'm so amazing at acting'. When I have never really been on tv at all, I do know that I am outgoing, I'm good under pressure, I live in a little town in Utah named Roy, I'm 16 years old, I am 5'2"- 5'3", I have really cute freckles and green eyes, and i love the whole cast of Law&Order: SVU!! It would be a dream come true to have the chance to participate in the making of an episode of the best show in the whole world!! I think everyone deserves at least one shot at something that makes them happy. Well thanks for taking the time to read this, that right there is amazing to me! Thanks!!
Cheyanne Baldwin
Posted by Cheyanne Baldwin (2011-04-08) 3946
Munch is so cute,handsome and funny.
Posted by COLA (2011-03-25) 3892
My friend was literally just in an episode of this "bombshell". she played Jeanette. I recommend that everyone watches it because she is pretty kick ass.
This show is good, law and order is always interesting. Um.. yeah.
well im 5'5 . my hair is currently like ... brown and blonde and black underneath. sounds crazy but it's really interesting in person. I have glasses. I am Puerto Rican so I'm loud mouthed, energetic, slightly crazy. I have dark eyes, like dark dark. Coal dark. I'm really into acting, i even do musical theater. I am currently in a production of Pippin in Middle Village NY. I'm a dancer. I've been in various shows. I sing. I'm sarcastic, but respectful.
anyway, that's enough about me. Oh yeah and I'm 16.
it would be cool to be on this show because this show has meaning. It's not just continuous drama or continuous action. There's plot and suspense and occasional romance. And let's be realistic, everyone likes the sexually based offenses the best.
Posted by StephMarie (2011-03-24) 3889
Hi, I am a huge fan of the show and dick wolf..
Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hartigay are my idols!
I am 14 5'2 I am of French and Italian Decent.
I have dark hair dark skin and brown eyes...
I havent been in many plays or anything like that although i have always wanted to be on television.
I hope to one day be on the show, I will take any part given.
(i hope i wouldnt get a role that i would be dead our out of the show at the beginning haha because i would want to stay on as long as possible) :) haha
Thanks so much
Posted by Shelby (2011-01-29) 3751
Hi my name is Jamie and I'm 14 years old. I'm 5'8'', Caucasian, and I have light brown hair and blue eyes. I absolutely LOVE law & order svu. I love acting. It's always been my favorite thing to do. I am currently in drama at my school. I have never had acting lessons but I hope that if I get on this show then I could start my career as an actor. Any role you would have for me would be fine. All I want is to be on the show and act with Mariska Hargitay. She is my favorite actor. So if you have a part for me please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you:)
Posted by Jamie Chapman (2011-01-20) 3720
hello my name is megan im from maryland. im 15 years old. i recently got really into l&osvu. I'd like to be on the show because this is where i'd like to start my carreer as an actress. ive been a fan of any type of drama since i was about 9 yrs. old the first one i watched was NCIS but its fiilmed in Cali so i thought i'd settle on Law and order svu because its closer but that doesnt mean i love it any less. im a huge fan of mariska hargitay ecpecially since i found out about her foundation joyful hearts. id like to be either a victim or a perp or witness anything as long as i get on the show. please respond as soon as possible.
Posted by megan r (2011-01-16) 3707
Hello my name is McKenzie i love acting and always have. I compete in competitions at my school and do plays at the YMCA. I watch every episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. I will except anything. It would just be an honor to be in an episode. Please let me perform. Thanks I hope you read this.
Posted by McKenzie E. (2011-01-12) 3672
Hi I'm aliyah. Ever since my mom watched svu I watched an episode and I wanted to see how it feels to be solving the crimes or being held guilty. So please help me follow my dreams of being an actress.
Posted by aliyah (2011-01-02) 3637
i love to watch law and order svu. especially season 2 i like when they interrogate people and they say "im not talking without my lawyer." or they argue why they didnt kill the person
Posted by Janovia (2010-12-12) 3559
Hello, My name is Marquiona P. RIdgell. I know Law & Order: Special Victums Unit is the best show ever created. I'm 16, 5"4, & African American/Native American. I watch it everyday & even record the esisodes while I'm at school. Every sinced this show aired when I was 5 years old, I've said I'm gone be on there on day. Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay are the best role models ever. Even if I don't land a part on SVU their still are my major influences. I'm currently talking drama classes at Monticello High School in AR. Acting is my dream but I want to live it and when I start living it, I want it to be with the crew if Law & Order: SVU. Thank You All.
Posted by Marquiona Ridgell (2010-12-07) 3541
Hello, My name is Claudia. I'm 14 years old, caucasian. I usually have Black hair with Blue or Purple highlights. I love Law and Order:SVU, Have since I was little. I also would like to be an actress. I believe that I could nail an audition. I used to do drama in school, until I got homeschooled. So now I just act out random scenes from movies and books. I would love any part, Big or small. An extra even. So If you'd like email me. Thanks so much in advance! :)
Posted by Claudia Wesley (2010-11-10) 3483
Hi my name is Jamie Chapman. I am 5'7'', 13 years old, and caucasian. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. I LOVE Law and Order: SVU. I have always loved it and i want a part in it more than anything else. Even if it's a small role i would be happy. I have always been good at acting even though i don't take classes.I love acting out scenes from movies, parts from books or anything that i could act out. It's my number one dream to perform on this show so please email me if you're interested. Thanks:)
Posted by Jamie Chapman (2010-11-10) 3480
do people really get called back to act on this?!
Posted by maria (2010-11-07) 3473
I love Law & Order: SVU. It is my NUMBER ONE dream to perform on this show. I believe that I am good enough to be an actress. I do not have a lot of experience, but I have performed in a couple of plays. I believe starring in this show would start my acting career. This would also be a great opportunity to show others that anyone can be want they want to be as long as they are determined to get to that point. I would appreciate anyone interested in helping me with this dream. Please and thank you. (:
Posted by Heather Ray (2010-11-06) 3471
Hello I am Addlyn Teague. I have dirty blonde hair & blue eyes, I am caucasian,and I am 5'1''. Acting is my passion and I would love to be on this show!!! Please notify me if you are interested. I would be very happy! Thank You!
Posted by Addlyn Teague (2010-10-03) 3399
hey i like the show law and order svu and reguklar one how do i begin acting classes and contact the cast director of the show i want to do it i lobve it mabey like a small-medium
Posted by nathan hull (2010-08-28) 3329
HI my name is raelisha and my favorite show is law and order svu. i am 12 years old and i think i can be a great actress. i can memorize songs by listening to them about twice and i think i can do the same thing with scripts. not a lot of people think i can act except my mom. she always calls me a drama queen so she put me in drama class at my new school. i think i have a good chance of being an actress. i am african american and have black or dark brown hair (never knew) and i am about '5"5. contact me at this email address if you have anything i can e in even if it is one line or as an extra.
Posted by Raelisha (2010-08-08) 3291
hi im 13 years old and ever scince i was small i wanted to act. i live in a small town and im not sure how to become famous. If i ever got a part on a show i would be so so so so happy. I would do my best and wouldn't dissapoint people. I am confident and won't let anyone push me down.
Posted by ?.?.?. (2010-08-05) 3279
well my name is jason. im 16. im in the washington state area. i like acting. honestly i havent been in any plays but its something that i honestly think im good at and others think im good at. i also like basketball alot. i like the show svu i watch it everytime its on and would love to be on an episode. is there any auditions to be on the show here in the washington state area please give me an email
Posted by Jason Martinez (2010-07-15) 3207
hi im rian wiley im 14 ive been in 1 movie i was little and didnt have any speaking parts ive been in 3 plays the wizard of oz i was a little munchkin, the magic well i was a princess and it was a lead, and the music man i played zaneeta shinn and i was the 2nd girl lead. ive watched law and order svu religously since i was 11 and LOVE it. my question is are there any auditions soon around the texas area for the show i would love to be on the show. my height is 5'7 and im a caucasian feamale
Posted by rian wiley (2010-06-29) 3090
hi im jared charles i am 13 been in a few plays and i wanted to know if i could go on svu iv watched the show since i first saw it havent missed an episode of it contact at this email
Posted by jared charles (2010-06-25) 3074
Hello well I want this so bad it dosent even have be a huge roll but my family is really into show bussiness and I would really like to carry it on.
Posted by Brittany (2010-06-22) 3059
also im from granite city illinois near st. louis...just in case lol. good luck everybody hopefully we all get our wishes
Posted by Nikki skipper (2010-05-20) 2978
hi i am nikki, 19 years old and 5' 6. i absolutely love law and order svu, gotta say its the best on television. i also love watching the benson and stabler dynamic and getting to see it up close and personal is why id love to be an extra in an episode or two or three lol(: not only would i be a great extra but one of the biggest fans!
Posted by Nikki skipper (2010-05-20) 2977
hi i always watch law and order every wednesday. my dream is to become an actress. i want to be on law and order. im african american 4 11 and im 11 .
Posted by gabrielle (2010-05-16) 2965
Hi,I am Walter a 62yr old Aftra and Sag actor from Boston.I played Sgt Markie in the film Title to Murderin which they allowed me to use my father's actual police hat[he was a Boston police patrolman until his death].I play a court officer in the upcoming movie the fighter,and pledy Sully in the Brotherhood episode 6 on showtime.In January I finished a weeklong acting sourse at NYFA,and would like to audition for a day player role on law and order.
Posted by walter a driscoll3rd (2010-04-26) 2867
Have been watching and have been a huge fan since epidsode 1 of season 1. I am 18 years old. My major is Digital Video and Cinema Production. I would love to be given the opportunity to be at least an extra on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
Posted by Jesse G. Ybarra (2010-04-09) 2800
i would love to be on this show i have watched it for a long time i would love to get a part on this show i have done school plays a short budget movie and alot of community theatre and professonal theatre i have been a actor since i was 17 thank you Donnie Donahue
Posted by Donnie Donahue (2010-03-14) 2683
Hello, my name is Presley. I am Caucassion/Latino. I am about 13 years old. My height is 5'0". I am a brunette, have big brown eyes. I have trained in John Casablancas so I am an actress and a model. SVU is my favorite show I would do anything to get on it. I have been watching it for a while now. I have been practicing for an audition I can make myself cry,act,anything they would want me to do. Please email me if you are interested!
Posted by Presley Cruz (2010-01-18) 2484
Hi, I'm 14 years old 5'1 with light brown hair, fair skin, and hazel eyes. I have been watching Law&Order since I was 6 years old and its my favorite show. I am not with an agency but would like to experience acting in a TV show. I love acting out scenes from plays, books,movies and TV shows. I also like to take on different characters, voice and all. I do pretty good with taking on accents. I can speak some German,French,Italian,Greek,Chinese(Mandarin),Icelandic, and Spanish. I would be ecstatic over a small side role. I would be head-over-heels ecstatic to meet Mariska or Stephanie! I hope to hear from you!!
Posted by S.Griffin (2010-01-13) 2466
Hi, I'm LaSavia and I really love to act, it's my passion. I attend a Performing Arts Academy and I'm in love with the show, I've watched almost every episode. I would love to be able to audition for a role on the show and prove to you that I can succeed as an actress. I promise I wont waste your time. I am an african american girl. I am 5ft and 14 years old. I'm from New Jersey. I learn quick and I'm willing to dedicate myself to this. please contact me. thank you =]
Posted by LaSavia (2010-01-06) 2438
hi my name is dyamondasya gaither i am 15 years old and i have a passion for acting i love it so much im from brooklyn, NY i am 5'10'' i a african american i love the show ! i have no experience. i look in the mirror everyday and act to myself , yeah pretty weird but it helps me see what my facial expressions look like well i just want to be seen on television and let my dream come true if you give me a shot i wont let you guys down . thank you !
Posted by dyamondasya (2010-01-01) 2413
Hello, my name is Bethanna Perkins. I'm 14 years-old, 5' 1". I love Law and Order SVU, it's my favorite show. I know almost every show. I would love to be part of the show, I always have. Please please please let me be part of your show.
Thank you so much,
Bethanna Perkins
Posted by Bethanna Perkins (2009-12-03) 2351
i am a 43 yr old male i always wanted to get into acting i am a big fan of law and order svu love all the charters of the show my 2 idols are elliott and olivia i would love to have a chance and to com audition for a guest spot on the show i was in musicals back in high school and i followed a little bit of drama at that fairlawn acting theater before it burned down i also had a chance to see some of the episodes being filmed in ft lee nj i worked for the parking authority the last episode i saw filmed there was the case of the astronot elliots house and the exxon station please send me info how i can get a chance for a audition i know your studio is in north bergen just need address and directions hope to hear back soon i am un employed right now so i hope you can help me get a career start
Posted by louis kutner (2009-11-30) 2348
Hi my name is Ashley and I am 13. I have suddenly been very interested in acting. I would love a chance to pursue acting. I have printed plays and movie scrips and have been practicing roles. I reall would love a chance to be in Law&Order SVU. im a huge fan of the show have been. Im extremly bright and learn quick please help me with a chance at my acting career!!
Posted by Ashley (2009-11-25) 2334
Hi my names brittney and i want to get a acting role for this show because i want help getting a jump start in the acting career:)
Posted by brittney (2009-11-23) 2329
Hey, my name is Alycia i am 13 years old and I've been doing little class skits/plays since fourth grade! I have to ability to memorize lines very easily. I am also a dancer and that's where most of my memorization ability comes from. I've been dancing for 10 years, but I have been always interested in acting! It's one of my BIGGEST passions. I live in a very small town and want to start acting on television. Where do I start? I have wanted to start acting before I wanted to dance. There aren't many opprotunities in my town and I just want to start my acting career. I want to audition for so many shows/movies/dance films: Twilight Saga, Law and Order: SVU and even Disney Channel shows. Can anyone help me here? Thank you.
Posted by alycia (2009-11-22) 2320
My name is james and I am 19 years old trying to get a fresh new start in the acting world. Making it as even an extra on lawand order [S.V.U.] that would be great.
Posted by james kalesse (2009-11-18) 2303
Hi I am 12 years old. I am Brown, Long dark hair. I absolutely LOVE acting. It is my most favorite thing to do in the world. This is also my FAVORITE Show. I always wanted to be an Actress. I know i am young but i have always known i was going to be an Actress someday and if you can make that happen i would be soooo Greatful.
Posted by Nailah H. (2009-11-07) 2261
I am 23 years old, 5'4'' and I have always wanted to go into acting whether its becoming an extra, a large role or a role with only one line. I have taken a few acting, theater and film classes. It is something that I am very serious about and it is something that I have always wanted to do since I was little. I would love the opportunity to show what I can do. I am very hardworking and I am open to any guidence and advice. Thank you.
Posted by Lauren S. (2009-10-28) 2225
Hi my name is zakyra and I love to act. Law and order svu is my favorite show and I would love to on that show as well. My favorite character on that show is detective Benson. She is my role model. I am 12 years old and I think that I do have the ability to act out a role on svu. I am with an agency called one source talent.
Posted by zakyra ector (2009-09-26) 2132
My mom loves criminal intent. we met the tall guy with gray hair on svu. i am also very much into acting. im a 11 year old girl with brown hair and freckles. iv been acting since grade three and it would be such an honor to be on any tv show and it would make my mom sooooooo proud. thanx.
Posted by Alison (2009-04-25) 1342
When will the next episodes of Law and Order Criminal Intent be aired?
I really miss this show. The acting and scripts are excellent.
Posted by Diane (2009-01-22) 916
Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3" and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot. Thanks.
Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 799
Become an Actor, Actress or Extra by joining the world's leading acting community. Find acting tips, casting calls & auditions, career networking tools, and SAG-AFTRA talent agents.
Post your profile, photos, resume and videos so you can be discovered by casting directors and talent scouts around the world. You might even get a chance to appear on a TV show like "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit."
2017 Series - Streaming on Amazon
In 1958 New York, Midge Maisel's life is on track: husband, kids, and elegant Yom Kippur dinners in their Upper West Side apartment. But when her life takes a surprise turn, she has to quickly decide what else she's good at - and going from housewife to stand-up comic is a wild choice to everyone but her.
Winner of 8 Emmy Awards. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is written and directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino (Gilmore Girls). Source Amazon
2011 Series - Streaming on Netflix
Still rebounding from a breakup, Jessica Day moves in with three single guys, all of whom are ready to help her understand the ways of the world. Zooey Deschanel stars as single schoolteacher Jessica Day, who moves in with three guys after having her heart broken by her latest beau.
Zooey Deschanel brings out her offbeat charm in this sitcom about a quirky teacher and three male roomies. Source Netflix
2016 Series - Streaming on Netflix
Due to an error, self-absorbed Eleanor Shellstrop arrives at the Good Place after her death. Determined to stay, she tries to become a better person. When Eleanor dies and winds up in an afterlife paradise reserved for only the most ethical people, she realizes she's been mistaken for somebody else. This wacky afterlife comedy won a Critics' Choice TV Award. Source Netflix
1997 (1h 59m) - Streaming on Netflix
Pierce Brosnan stars in this 007 installment, which teams the secret agent and a sexy Chinese superspy against a megalomaniacal media mogul.
Pierce Brosnan teams up with Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) in his second Bond film. Source Netflix
2014 (1h 59m) - Streaming on Netflix
Two computer scientists work to achieve technological singularity to create a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.
Johnny Depp is both Frankenstein and monster in this thriller featuring Rebecca Hall and Morgan Freeman. Source Netflix
2013 (2h 6m) - Streaming on Netflix
The Earth's remaining inhabitants are confined to a single train circling the globe as revolution brews among the class-divided cars.
Chris Evans and Korean film star Song Kang-ho battle Tilda Swintonâs forces in this Sci‑Fi action thriller. Source Netflix
i love this show i wont to be on it so bad always has been a fan and always will be
Posted by amber berryhill (2014-10-14) 7499