
About the Show

Twenty-six years ago, Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father John (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, "Watchmen") raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America...and he taught them how to kill it.

Sam and Dean spent their lives on the road, cruising America's highways in their 1967 Chevy Impala, battling supernatural threats and searching for the demon that killed their mother. Together with their father, they finally closed in on that demon. Ultimately, they brought the demon down, but they paid dearly for it. Their father lost his life. And then Sam, too, was killed in the fight. Unable to go on without his brother, Dean made the ultimate sacrifice. He summoned a deal-making Crossroads Demon and exchanged his soul for the life of his brother. The deal brought Sam back to life - but left Dean with a single year to live. At the end of that year... Dean was dragged to Hell.

Last season, Dean made a shocking return from the grave - raised from Hell by the Angel Castiel (Misha Collins, "24"). Sam and Dean discovered that while in Hell, Dean had been tricked into breaking the First of the Sixty-Six Seals of Lucifer; seals that kept the Devil himself locked in his cage in Hell. Now, a fierce army of Angels was scrambling to keep the powerful demon Lilith from breaking the rest and setting Lucifer free. As the year wore on and Seals continued to break, Sam worked with double-agent demon Ruby to become strong enough to kill Lilith-by drinking increasing quantities of her blood. Sam's psychic demon-fighting abilities increased, but he also became addicted to the blood, and his relationship with Dean frayed to the breaking point. Ultimately, Sam severed ties with Dean and went with Ruby to kill Lilith. He succeeded-and only then did he discover that Ruby had been secretly working on the side of the demons all along. Ruby's task: to manipulate Sam into killing Lilith-because Lilith's death was the final Seal. And with her fall, Lucifer's cage opened. Though Sam and Dean reunited and together killed Ruby, they were unable to stop what Sam had set into motion.

Now, Lucifer is free. The Apocalypse is here. Angels with hidden agendas are applying pressure on Dean to take his special place in a spectacular battle to slay Lucifer and bring Paradise in a battle sure to kill millions. Dean refuses to help at the expense of so many human lives. And so, against a landscape of escalating celestial violence, natural disasters foretold in the Book of Revelation, and a rising human death toll, Sam and Dean scramble for a way to do the impossible: Kill the Devil. Their only ally: Castiel, now Fallen and a fugitive from the armies of Heaven. Along the way, they face the type of supernatural threat that has become the show's signature- demons, vampires, the Trickster, cursed objects, wicked gods, disturbed sprits-as well as James Dean's death car, the ghosts of Lincoln, Gandhi and Jerry Garcia, a bloodthirsty creature in the form of Paris Hilton... and a menacing, unshaven, six-foot-two Tooth Fairy out to take every last one of your teeth. Not to mention the Antichrist.

From Warner Bros. Television in association with Wonderland Sound and Vision, with executive producers McG ("Charlie's Angels," "The O.C."), Eric Kripke ("Boogeyman"), Robert Singer ("Midnight Caller"), Ben Edlund, Phil Sgriccia and Sera Gamble.

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Supernatural Message Board

Welcome to the "Supernatural" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "Supernatural."

Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.

Hi my name is Paige and i love the show ever since i started to watch it and i would love a chance to be on the show. I also would love to start acting on this show it would be a great experience for me. I am 5 feet 4 inches and i have short brown hair.

Posted by Paige (2019-07-06) 10093

So my name is Borislav, im really good actor. i dont care what role i would get i just want to work as actor. i want to become someone and i want work what i really like and can. I think you can give me this chance. Now im working in the theather and i dont have feature there. And now I can only hold my fingers to see this. I really want to be a part of this serial, for me is the best one. Im 1.76 m long i have same hairstyle like dean in the first season, short and brown, and black eyes. I wish you good luck and bye.

Posted by borislav (2019-06-10) 10060


My name is Joey and I have been interested in auditioning for this show ever since I started watching it. I do not have much experience in the area of acting, but in the 4 years I have done acting through my school’s plays and musicals, I’d say i have done a good job and so have my classmates. I do not care what role I would get as long as I could be a part of this awesome TV show. I am 19 years old, long brown hair, blue eyes and 5 foot 6 inches and I am willing to do whatever is asked of me.

Posted by Joey (2019-05-17) 10041

My name is Gurpreet, gup for short i am 5'10 and 148 pounds i workout everyday and i have lost 60 pounds and gained 10 pounds of muscle and i'm still going. I am super dedicated and motivated and i would love to be apart of this show i believe ill fit in with all the hard work i have put in.

Posted by Gurpreet (2019-04-01) 10032

Hi. My name is Bridgette Asturias I am 25 years old about to be 26 year old next month. I like many other have been a fan of supernatural since the beginning of the series in 2005 because a friend of mine in middle school who got me into to the show. I am 5'0 dark brown hair I usually dye my hair into different hair colors if needed and wanted, i have dark drown eyes, one visible tattoo on my wrist but I am willing to cover up, I am attending Los Angels City College my major is directing and acting I took two semesters off from school but I am going back to school this coming fall semester. I've been interested in acting since I was 13, I have taken a few acting classes in the past but I stop going truth be told it was getting expensive recently I've been trying to get in contact with Central Casting in Los Angeles, Ca branch into becoming a background actress since the series is ending with season 15 I wouldn't mind gathering the experience with fellow actors and actresses. Whether it's a major role or standing in the backgroud in supernatural or any other Television series and movies learning from the experience will become helpful into becoming a great actress. The closes acting experience is my grade school play and giving bs lies to my coworkers also I can handle a decent mount of pain since I am accident prone but I haven't broken any bones yet.

Posted by Bridgette Asturias (2019-03-28) 10028

Hi my name is Teresa Ruggeri, I live in New York. Supernatural is my all time favorite show I know pretty much everything about it . I’m sooo upset next season will be the last , now I know that it’s my dream to have a role on supernatural especially since it’s ending soon . I have acted in school plays before and I could do pretty much anything when it comes to acting ! I’m 17 years old and could play much younger roles considering I look young and I’m only 5ft. I have brownish blonde hair and light brown eyes . It’s my dream to act in this show even if it’s a small role or I die the first episode I’m in like many roles on this show haha . Please - anyone from supernatural if you see this email me ! Thanks for your time !

Posted by Teresa (2019-03-28) 10023

Hello, my name is Jazminn and I have been a huge Supernatural fan since it first aired on TV. I am 5'9.5, have brown eyes, dark brown hair. I am 18 years old and will be graduating high school next year. It has always been my dream to act because I love becoming a different character even though it's not my true identity, but at least I can be somebody else for a short amount of time. I have always wanted to act on Supernatural, major role or not. The reason why I want to act is that I feel like I'm nothing as if I were invisible to everybody else. Anyway, I hope I get a shot of having a role on Supernatural one of these days.

Posted by Jazminn (2018-08-28) 9961

My name is Jaclyn I am 29 years old I would love to act on the show supernatural right now I am stuck at home

Posted by jacky (2018-05-10) 9949

Hi my name is Jaclyn lemay I am so excited for season 14 but I have always wanted to act in any tv show it would be supernatural but I know that I will never get the chance to do it

Posted by Jaclyn (2018-05-10) 9948

Hi my name is Jaclyn I am a supernatural fan, it helped me through the tough times like my dad passing away. Now I am going to be 29 at the end of this month.

Posted by Jaclyn (2018-03-04) 9943

Hello my name is Melody and I am fourteen years old, almost 15. I realize that I have not had the chance to act besides in my grade nine class. I do enjoy watching the show though, and even being in the background if a scene would be amazing. So, if I somehow seem good for this, I would be amazed. Again, I love the show and everyone on it and if this message is somehow seen since the last post was from 2013, then I hope you take the chance to help me with a dream im having. Bye I guess.

Posted by Melody Kaiswatum (2016-08-01) 7684

Hi, my name is Hope Gardner. I'm 16 years old, and I'm 5'4 and fit. I have wanted to be a part of Supernatural since I first saw the pilot! I have over 20 theater shows to my credit, including dance and musical theater. I am really wanting to start working in film now, and I think this show would be an awesome place to start!

Posted by Hope Gardner (2014-09-21) 7490

Hello, I am Krysthania - Krysi for short - and I am a fan of Supernatural. I'm 16 year old and would love to work with and learn from the cast and crew of the show. I plan on going to school for film studies so I can become a director and I feel acting can help me reach that goal. Of course, I am your average teenage girl, so I can't say I can be completely professional all the time, but I can assure you I will be extremely quite for the first while because people scare me and I'm overly shy. I don't have very much acting experience, unless you count the many times I've duped my friends as acting. The most acting I've done is doing an audition to get the chance to take a class with Breaking into Hollywood. The class was too expensive though, so I couldn't actually take it. I would be grateful if anyone of importance actually read this, let alone considered me for a role, so I don't expect to get anything out o this. I figured I might as well try, right? :)

Posted by Krysthania Worthington (2014-07-27) 7460

Hi. My name is Imani, I am a girl (5'3) I am 14 and some where around 100lbs i think. I love supernatural. It is my obsession and I would really love to have a small part. As the girl above me said it would be the experience of a life time. Even as just an extra it would be great. I don't have much experience in acting but I think I will be okay. Well I hope you consider me! Thanks!

Posted by Imani Warner-Lima (2014-01-27) 7311

Hi, I'm Christine H, almost 18 years old, 5'4, and I live in British Columbia. I've noticed Supernatural is filmed all around my area and I would LOVE to be an extra in an episode one day! Let me know if you have any openings! :)

Posted by Christine (2013-12-24) 7307

Hi my name is jason im 24 5'9 I live in london Uk sadly I aint had the luck of acting not the best of family's hard up bringing but it dont stop me from looking and giving it a tri supernatural is no lie 1 of the 3 things I actually watch on tv and if I was ever to get a part my wife and kids would be so proud of me please consider me thank you

Posted by jason (2013-10-07) 7283

My name is Sed. I'd love to have a role in Supernatural if possible.I'm registered Union.

Posted by Sedrak Melikyan (2013-08-21) 7268

As a more mature british viewer of the show (Asian-no accent, 40 and very articulate, if NOT the perfect slim model type!!) I would just like to compliment the actors, directors and writers on creating a show that is sincere, humourous, emotional and full of suspense and mystery throughout - not found simultaneously in ANY other show of this generation. I am a teacher who has always been attracted to the idea of performing but never had the opportunity. Of COURSE I would love to meet the cast and crew! WHO WOULDN'T. But resign myself to the fact that I will simply be able to voice my opinion that they are pure geniuses at creating a programme that is truly unique in its direction, acting, special effects and fantastically gripping storyline.

Posted by Beena Ryatt (2013-08-08) 7260

Hello, my name is Kaylee Johnson. I'm fourteen years old and I'm 5ft. 5. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I also love acting and I have been acting in a small theater for three years now. I've been in musical plays such as Annie, Beauty and the Beast, Fiddler on the Roof, Music Man, Your a Good Man Charlie Brown, and Oliver. I did get the top lead roles, but I wanted to challenge myself. I admire the show Supernatural a lot, I know I most likely will end up to be an Extra and not a lead role like Jensen A. Jared P. and Misha C. but I think it's worth a shot. So enough about how I love acting, I bet you want to hear if I'm a brat or if I work well with people. Well I can tell you that I'm a good kid and I work well with people, even if they don't like me. Despite the fact I have ADD and ADHD, but when I'm acting you would probably never guess. I'm a fast learner and pick up anything really fast. Now your wondering why I want to be on Supernatural, well I can be mean and I love good old acting adventures. The show is great it's got a mix of a little everything like comedy, thriller, drama, gory, and sci-fiction. That's the of acting that I like, Sure I was in musicals but their just not my thing. I think I would be a great addition to the cast of Supernatural. Thank you for reading this.

Posted by Kaylee I. Johnson (2013-07-28) 7232

Hello, I'm Autumn and a huge fan of Supernatural. I have been in a couple plays and stage manager for one of them and I got the part in a short film that my aunt is making. I have been in coordinated dances and coordinated one of my own. I play the violin well, I can paint, draw and sculpt, and can put on stage make-up. I've wanted to be an actress since I was 5 years old and only wanted to be an actress more and more since then. I'm a 14 year old (15 in October) Caucasian with brown hair, blue eyes, 5 feet, 8 inches tall and 120 pounds. Also, I enjoy humor which is why I love Supernatural and I would love to meet everyone on the show and everyone who has a hand in making the show. It would be a great experience. I think Supernatural is the greatest show that I've ever watched and it would be an honor if I was only an extra or even just to help with styling. Lots of love to the entire cast and crew!

Posted by Autumn Smith (2013-06-23) 7214

Hi! My name is Lorena and I'm 15 years old. It has been one of my dreams to be an actress and I love Supernatural so I clicked the two together. I'm a 5'2 girl and about 127 lbs. I'm a quick learner and love to have fun. I'm kind, stubborn(sometimes), love animals, and love to make people laugh and feel better. This is a once in a lifetime experience for me and I want to take it. I've been working on and practicing my acting. If you read this and contact me I would love it!

Thanks for reading.


Posted by Lorena M. (2013-06-02) 7203

Give me a job on the show! literally filmed in my backyard. You won't regret it! I can move around and say stuff it'll be awesome, I swear! Haha :-)

Posted by Seth (2013-05-22) 7195

hi, my name is juliean belizaire. i love the supernatural show and i watch it whenever i can. i love this show and would love to be able to audition for a part. i don't expect me to catch a big break with show and am just seeing if i can have a chance.

Posted by juliean belizaire (2013-04-11) 7183

Hi, my name is Janset and am a huge fan of Supernatural. I love it. I'm 13, 160.5 cm tall. 47kgs. ( I don't
Know why I'm providing these details, all of the above have) I'm not really on an actor path but perhaps
a musical one. I play violin at grade 5 standard. And even if its little, just little I'm happy to audition for a part. I'd love to meet the cast and actors of supernatural. It would be a once in a lifetime experience. Even if its not for a role I can entertain with my music. More or less I'm just giving it a try. But the comments box isn't typically the best place. Well, monkey see monkey do.

Posted by Janset Selbas (2013-03-21) 7147

Looking for work if anyone is 2 diplomas and 1 advanced higher in acting for stage and screen and performance art...been acting for 6 years..chances are really grim to slim tho...all the best From
Rick T McKay

Posted by Rick T McKay (2013-03-05) 7137

This has been said by so many aspiring teen actors in the comments here, but here goes nothing...

Hi! My name is Emma Koelln. I just recently turned fifteen. I don't have much acting experience, only some small roles for school videos, but I'd love to be on the set of Supernatural. I don't expect to be the special kid who catches some huge break as an important character, or even a guest star, but just being an extra on this show would be amazing. I'm highly interested in the movie industry in general, and seeing it from a first-hand point of view is a dream of mine. Learning out in the field, rather than just reading about it like I've done up until now. Even if I'm just a tiny speck in the background, that's okay- just knowing I was a part of something bigger, especially a show like Supernatural, would be an honor.

If anyone happens to read this, thank you for taking the time to do so! Even if I never hear from anyone, it means a lot to me.

Posted by Emma Koelln (2013-02-10) 7124

Well, I'd planned on saying something really smart that would stand out, but there are a tooon of posts on here. So, there goes that plan, and anyway, I'm pretty positive this is just for comments and not applications. But it'd be amazing if I could somehow get a role on Supernatural. I'm not going to give a long explanation of who I am or whatever, but I'm seventeen, and I've never acted before. I'd be good at it though; my friend Madison and I have thought about trying to get into the business for a long time. We're just looking for a beginning. Trust us, haha. Thanks.

Posted by Brandi and Maddison (2013-01-07) 7094

I am seriously looking to become an actress on Supernatural. Any role would be a great honour. I am easy-going and full of life. I have had screen tests for commercials and was an extra in the movie bait starring Jamie Foxx. I take direction very well. And feel I would be a great part of the Supernatural team.

Posted by maria (2013-01-01) 7073

The name is Lizeth. I'm 15 about to turn 16. I have many acting experiences. I have performed in dance, acting, and musical perfomances. I do Gymnastics. I can basically do anything, anyone can throw at me.

Posted by Lizeth Reyes (2012-12-02) 7000

Hi my name is sydney im 14 years old and like 4ft.8 and small . im a wonderful person with a great attitude . im a big fan of supernatural and would like a part on the show . im not creepily desperaite for a part like the rest of the comenters seem to be lol. but im a great actor . im in drama club at school and i am very accomplished . i think id do great on the show and thought id give it a try :} . sorry for my spelling if i spelled any thing wrong bye :}

Posted by sydney covel (2012-11-12) 6925

My name is Kayla Dawson, I am 22 years of age though unfortunately I appear maybe 15 to most. Brown hair, and green,blue,silver tinted eyes. -they change depending on my mood- I am not an actress, though I would love to be one some day. I am 5'2 106, I am not the most social of people, but I would do any task required of me to the best of my abilities. Even if it is simply assisting. I am not obsessed with the show, I find it rather easy to predict.. However I have high respect for it, and all of it's cast members. I would find a chance to work for such a show intriguing, and a wonderful learning opportunity. Thank you for your time~

Posted by Kayla M Dawson (2012-10-21) 6851

All of these comments start out the same way. I want to be different. All I want is to be an extra on Supernatural . I am a normal( if normal can be a thing really, I mean, who IS normal?) 19 year old college student who just wants to be a part of something that is so widely known. I'm not an actress, though it used to be a dream of mine. I just want the opportunity to say that I accomplished being apart of Supernatural. Even if I'm just in the background. Sometimes the background is the most important part. Without it, there would be no context or texture to the production. I've been in one skit when I was in high school. That experience made me appreciate all it takes to be an actor. This is why I want to be an extra. To appreciate the acting from a first hand point of view. And be a part of something great. Thank you.

Posted by Moriah (2012-08-26) 6765

Hi my name is Kayla Flanagan I am 14 years old and a sophomore in high school. Working as a supernatural cast member would be a great honor. I am a huge fan of the show. I am grateful for the chance to be a cast member on supernatural.

Posted by Kayla M. Flanagan (2012-07-27) 6729

hello my name is Samantha I'm 13 years old . I think i would make an excellent addition to the Supernatural cast because I am a fast learner, I love acting even though I've never
had any real experience other than a school play.I know i would be a good actress because I have vary enthusiastic personality. My favorite genre is fiction/science fiction and my 2 favorite shows are Doctor who and Supernatural.thank you vary much the opportunity to express my interests in a role as a supernatural cast member.

Posted by samantha flanagan (2012-07-27) 6727

Hi, my name is Summer. I'll be 15 in September, I'm Caucasian, I'm 4' 11" tall, and I weigh around 105 lbs. I've never acted in a television show, but I am in Drama and have done skits, and been told I'm a good actress. Supernatural is my favorite fandom; I'm very attached to the characters and the show itself. It would be amazing if I was given even a small role. Thanks!!

Posted by Summer Laurick (2012-07-23) 6714

Hello, my name is Rebecca Mills, I am 15 years old, I'm 5"6' and I'm caucasian. Unfortunatley I live in Ireland but I hope this is'nt a problem. I love acting its my passion and Ii would love to star in a film or tv show as a main star or co star. I have taken part in many plays as the main star and co star. Right now I am doing speech and drama. The part that I am doing is the drama. It helps my voice and my confidence. I scored 90% in a drama exam. I'm not a skinny person that some people go for but I can still do the job. I am very easy to work with and can learn lines in up to 2-3 days when they are given to me. My biggest acting dream is to work along side Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in Supernatural, it would be an honour. Thank you.


Posted by Rebecca Mills (2012-07-05) 6604

Hi I'm Cassandra, and I'm 13 years but old i look older. I've watched your show since it came out. I've been wanting to be on you show forever. i don't care if you give me a big or small part i just really want to be on your show. If you gave me a chance i wouldn't disappoint you i don't care if I'm possessed by a demon or something i just really want to be on your show.

Posted by Cassandra Figueroa (2012-06-27) 6581

Well, i just recently began to watch supernatural and I'm very impressed with the show. And yeah just like every other comment uploaded hear i would love to be an actress on supernatural. I have had acting experience. Most likely no one reads all of these comments so I'm probably just one in a million going to actually have this read. But if i do then please do consider me i have a very flexible schedule especially over the summer. And i am not gonna beg for a roll because if i do get contacted after this then its a good chance i will be auditioning against a billion other very good actors. So here is it I am a actress and i know that i am ready to be on t.v (wow how conceded does that sound) anyway, if I'm not contacted after posting this then it wasn't meant to be. oh, i guess I'm supposed to include my height and everything.
gender- female(you probably get that from the name)

Posted by Jennifer Nichols (2012-06-21) 6564

I am an Actor Sag/Aftra member and Supernatural is my favorite show on TV. The Cast is Great! and overall very well written. I would Love to get an Audition! Can't wait till fall. also congrats to the Cast for Season 8. hope for many many more! Cheers. Nick Arlea

Posted by Nick Arlea (2012-06-20) 6561

Well i think i sent a really long novel about supernatural and it didn't go through so here i go again but making it shorter and sweeter...

17 115lbs 5'8 Blonde hair but now the scary blonde kind and blue eyes/ they change color between blue and green i love the show would love to work with cast and crew...modeling and acting experience and experience with weapons, guns, bows, and about to be knives, let me know


Posted by Samantha Holland (2012-06-01) 6526

Well everyone is starting off saying hi my name is, so i'll mix it up a bit.

Whats Up, Im Samantha, Sam for short. I was called Sam even before supernatural, although the fact that the show is excellent and there is a brilliant actor playing Sam makes the "Sam" sound so much cooler. Im about to turn 17. I have had acting experience the first 2 and a half years of high school and have done some modeling for Barbizon before. Im 5'8 with an athletic build and i consider myself a tomboy. I love the bow and arrow, and I'm about to get into knife throwing just for the shear joy of it, and incase we have an apocalypse. Most of my life i was homeschooled and i was an only child till age 12 so me and my dad hung out ALOT so im experienced in shooting guns and flying model airplanes becuase thats our cup of tea. I started watching the show kind of recently and have watched all the episodes up to date, I would hope that i would help out or be and extra or even a stunt person. I think my goofy attitude and determination would add a certain spice to the show. Even if there isn't any spots available I will do anything to get some extra experience in acting.

Thank You

Posted by Samantha Holland (2012-06-01) 6525

Hi, my name is Ashley, I'm 29 yrs old but i look much younger. I can play roles from18-30, I have acting, theatre & modeling experience since the age of 2. I am actively pursuing roles small or big. I would love to work with jared & jensen & the awsome producers & director!! I love the show, I would love to audition. I have my resume updated & ready to send to the casting directors. I can cry on command 90% of the time, I'm very easy to work with, confident, outgoing & I just go for what i AM passionate about which is acting!!

Posted by Ashley Kennedy (2012-05-01) 6458

My name's Jasmine, though I am Korean I grew up in American cultures so I am fluent in English. I have an American accent, and I looooove watching Supernatural. Though it scares me to death... I hope that you consider me as an actress. I'd love to once in a lifetime be able to act in Supernatural.

Posted by Jasmine (2012-04-09) 6392

Hey peeps!! I am a huge fan of Supernatural, I love the show!! It is one of the best shows on, if not the best! I am not an actress or anything, but I do have some great stories for the show. They are actual dreams that I have had and they are really something and a real match for the show, so contact me and we can talk. Let me know what I need to do to get these stories on Supernatural.

Posted by Patty (2012-03-11) 6304

Hello, I need a job but I am a little different. I have a lip ring and nose ring but I can easily take them out, I am 5 foot 3 Inchs, one more thing I am 14, oh and home schooled. I think that is it. :D

Posted by Brittany Marcoe (2012-02-29) 6269

Hello, my name is Misty and I am 35 and a huge fan of Supernatural series and would love a Chane to audition for the show. I am 5'1, 116lbs and can pass for 17 (trust me i get carded for everything, lol). i have blond hair, blue/green eyes (they change colors, even my eye Dr is baffled by them). I have natural dark blond hair, and a somewhat southern accent. I hope for an opportunity to show my qualities and hope to hear back from you guys.

Posted by misty (2012-02-24) 6241

Well, I see that a lot of people have posted here, but I'll take my chances. My name is Krista, I'm 17 I live in Ottawa. I've had roles in school plays, a school musical, and I also write (stories, scripts, monologues) I am in grade 12, but I'm doing another year for classes that were full. I'm 5'3", I'm not really skinny, but not huge or average. I'm caucasian and I have eyes that change colour with my mood, but are set on a scale of grey-to-blue-to-green depending on my mood, I guess. I have blue black hair, dyed of course. I've been watching Supernatural since late 2007 and I've been interested in acting my entire life, and my plans after high school include acting. My hobbies - a few of them are up above - are singing, writing, acting, photography, and drawing. I'm an extremely determined person, and I don't just want to be on Supernatural because I'm a fan of the cast (Misha, Jensen, Jared, Jim, etc.), but because I want to gain experience and get into the genre I love (horror/suspense/thriller). I know this site might not get me anywhere, but it's worth a shot, and I'm willing to put myself out there. I'll take the role of an extra or even a full time role, anything. I hope someone sees this and maybe gives me a shot. Thank you and rock on!

Posted by Krista Sollner (2012-02-17) 6212

hello my name is rawad i am a huge fan of supernatural i am almost 23 years old i am an american football player i will accept any role ( for free ) . thanks

Posted by rawad azar (2012-02-02) 6136

i have every season in 6Th grade asked to write a letter to our hero's i wrote Jensen ackels i watched the show everyday even the reruns Ive seen a million times i watch it so much my parents are annoyed i cant get over how sad it makes me that I'm not apart of it i dont have much acting experience but i just really want this more then anything ill give my information if your int rested send me an email?! :)

Posted by maison petersen (2012-01-06) 6026

im 13 i love supernatural i know almost every line to most the episodes and i would work for free i just would love an opertunity for a extra or something on the show

Posted by maison petersen (2012-01-06) 6024

Hi my name is Jannette. Acting has been my number one dream since i was a little girl. I've been watching supernatural since i was a 11 years old. I never knew about this show until i saw my mom watching it! From that point and on i watch that show every Friday! And my biggest dream is to appear in Supernatural one day and to become a young actress!

Posted by Jannette (2011-12-12) 5928

Hello, my names Carlene, I'm 17, 5'4" Caucasian, 140 lbs, I have auburn/brown hair and darker hazel/brown-green eyes and I'm from the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities, MN. I've been acting for a few years now and just adore all the CW shows, but I have a special place in my heart for Supernatural. I've watching it since the pilot aired. I'm athletic, outgoing, and I'm willing to take any part that you have to offer, whether it's being an extra or a full role. I'd love the opportunity to be in a show! Thanks. Stay classy.

Posted by Carlene Churchill (2011-11-20) 5816

Hey! I'm Stefanie and I am fourteen years old in eighth grade. Acting has been my ultimate dream. I have been in numerous musicals like Oklahoma!, The Music Man, The King and I, and am currently working on acting in my junior high's musical. I play piano and have been for at least six years, and I've been playing violin for the past four years. I play basketball as my sport. I live out in Hennepin County, MN, and would like to audition for anything but don't get a lot of opportunities out here. I would love to be featured in a show!

Posted by Stefanie Draper (2011-11-06) 5743

Hi, my name is Lucifer! I come here to dethrone your god. Sam and Dean have been interrupting my plans for some time now, killing my loyal demons, my loyal servants, and being just plan annoying. I've grown sick and tried of their existence. And I'm awaiting the day I am release back into the world of which pity humans walk freely amongst it. Your time is near Sam and Dean Winchester. Look out for a little girl around the age 18, but she looks like shes like 12 or 13. Lol, here real name is Patience. REally evil. I'm serious.

Posted by Patience (2011-10-24) 5619

My name is Sudesh Atawane. I am 19 years old, turning 20 in January. I am 5"9.5 . I have black hair, light brown eyes, tan skin. I know and study mixed martial arts. I have watched every episode of Supernatural since the beginning and loved it. But i am up for any role really. I have taken acting through out high school. I ain't in acting school but from what i know most famous starts haven't gone to acting school either. If you give me the chance i am confident i can impress you.

Posted by Sudesh Atawane (2011-10-23) 5612

I would love to be in Supernatural.

Posted by Krystal Wilson (2011-10-22) 5595

if anything i would really want to be an extra for supernatural its the best!!!! there awsm

Posted by Rosa (2011-10-14) 5303 name is Rachel, I do watch supernatural. The trill of the story and the potential in the actors and actress that have been picked makes it worth watching...I as many would love to act in supernatural, but for me as a test to myself to see if I can crack out of my shell. A couple of my family members thought to make it as a career. As a start we are writers, but want to be more than that.

Posted by Rachel Roberts (2011-10-02) 5224

Hi, my name is Sania and I was born and living in Toronto, Canada. I have natural black hair and I'm Pakistani but I don't really look like my race. I believe my height is 5'5. This auditioning thing is probably over and all, but why not give it a try? I'm 15 years old (turning 16 on Sept 9) and I've always wanted to act since I was a kid. I've been in plays, little school movies, and I now want to try something bigger and something that I like. I've watched Supernatural often when I was younger and I kind of dropped it because of other things that I was interested in. I started watching the show from the beginning to the end (season 6) about a year ago and got hooked on it. I think the show is greatly written and the acting is amazing. I know you might hear this often, but I'm not the type of girl that likes what every 15 year old girl likes. I'm pretty weird and I am quite the outcast. I absolutely love the horror, thriller genre and I love Supernatural. I don't want to be on the show for Jared, Jensen, Jim or Misha, but for the experience to act on an actual successful Tv show. I would love to do that. My interests are music [Led Zep/Nirvana/Queen/Ramones/Jimi Hendrix ..more], impersonating, singing, playing guitar, performing magic, drawing etc.. As you can see I tend to have quite some time on my hands. That's another reason why I would have the honour to be chosen and on Supernatural. Thank you. This probably won't even be seen but again, why not give it a try?

- Sania. M

Posted by Sania Mirza (2011-08-22) 4983

Hi, sorry i just had to change my Email address.....Sorry.

Posted by Cora .Daine Mckibbin (2011-08-18) 4955

Hi, i am a Big fan of "Supernatural" but i am VERY professional around famous people. My dream in life is to become famous, not for the fame and fortune but for the fun and thrill. Ever since i can remember i was acting. Not on T.V but at home and around people. None wants to every give me a change to show them i can act. And when i do get a change to be in a play there is ALL WAYS and prettier girl then me so they pick her for the lead roll. I don't want to be on "Supernatural" for Jensen and Jared, i want to be on it because i am in to the thriller type not the girlie girl stuff. And just between to and me i pray every night that some day i will be on "Supernatural". So it would be an honer to work on "Supernatural"... i know i have a 1 and 1,000,000 change to be on the show and i don't want to push or anything.

Posted by Cora (2011-08-18) 4951

Hello, my name Helen I'm from England, originally Liverpool but I don't have such a strong scouse accent. I'm 15 years old and I'm obsessed with Supernatural. Sadly, I don't have any experience apart from one or two school plays, but I wouldn't say I can't act.
I can put on good fake tears which look realistic. I can make anything look realistic to be honest.
I'm just saying please give me a chance, I would be so grateful and honored to work with the cast and crew members of Supernatural and has literally been a recurring dream of mine, every night it's the same dream of me in supernatural along side of Jensen and Jared.
I'm about 5'3
Around 7 stone
Brown hair
Green/Blue eye colour although the green is more dominant.
I wouldn't say I'm beautiful but I wouldn't say I'm ugly either it's a mix of both.
Please get in touch, thank you.

Posted by Helen (2011-08-17) 4950

Hi, my name is Treshun Walker im 18 years old, african american, 150lbs, 5'7, & I have acting expirence. I love acting its what i was born to do!!!!!! I believe that god put me on this earth to change lives with my acting because I am so hospitable. I want to make a differance in this world... Im going to give to charities & I wont forget where I come from! This is something that is very near & dear to my heart!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE ACTING ITS ALL I WANT TO DO!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Treshun Walker (2011-08-01) 4848

hi i am Jenn. i am 13 yrs old and in love with supernatural. ill admit it, im a supernatural freak, haha. i have been acting for a very long time and plan to act all my life. all i need is a chance and i promise ill give all ive got. my description:
5'3, long legs, brown eyes/hair, and medium-long length hair, 90 lbs
Ethnicity: mostly Syrian and Italian, German, Polish, and a little Belgium.
I am confident and think i am very pretty, but i am VERY modest in person and i dont like to brag.
Please, i just need one chance, thats all im asking for. i have been in a number of plays and not just school plays. some of these plays are Peter Pan, Queen Toots, and the others were written by our directors. i am ready for an audition, but not for a big part. but i cant just be an extra. i want a part similar to collin ford's part, maybe for just a couple episodes? i dont care as long as i get a chance.

Posted by Jenn Clare (2011-07-14) 4730

Hi, my name is Elijah and I am an African American, 5'10, I live in WA, Bellingham and I am 15. I have been wanting to become an actor for over six years now. I am willing to do anything in order to become one. I have done 2 years of drama camp and am planning to do it again next year. The drama camp is called S.Y.T.I. and is lead by Deb. Courrier. I have also been in a few plays in my school. I think I could make a perfect demon because I have watched the show for a few years now and have seen how the demons act and move. I am able to learn quickly and I will put my heart into whatever it is I need to do because I love acting and if I need to improve on something just let me know.
Warmest Regards,
Elijah Taylor

Posted by Elijah Taylor (2011-07-12) 4721

Hello my name is Adycen.I am a 14 girl and my height is 5'5. I have been watching supernatural for a while now and I understand all of the material, I have been to a few conventions and I understand how much effort the actors put into the show. I am willing to do whatever it takes to work hard and please the audience. I am a beginer but I am a fast learner.

Posted by Adycen Cooper (2011-06-05) 4483

So, where can you find these auditions? I mean, where are they and how could one know when they pop up?

Posted by A.H. (2011-04-28) 4047

Hi ive always loved supernatural and i would love to act in an episode. i Live in Richmond, Va, I have brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, average weight, female, 5-3 to 5-4 in height. i would love to play ANY role in supernatural im a huge fan please email me!

Posted by Gabrielle (2011-04-20) 3987

Wake up call to everyone who has tried to get a role by posting a comment on here: people, you will NOT get a role or casting call or anything related to by simply posting a comment on a non-popular website. Casting directors want to SEE you and they're not gonna take the time to personally e-mail someone whom may be lying about their experience or looks or talent when they have people who bother physically going to auditions and putting themselves in front of them. If you're really serious about this acting stuff then go out there and audition. Stop wasting your time on your computer.

-Sincerely, Melissa Flowers.
PS: Good luck to the REAL actors.

Posted by Melissa Flowers (2011-04-17) 3972

Hi my name's Heva Ikram and I am 16 years old however many people think I look older then I really am. I'm 5"8 or 5"9 my height keeps changing. My natural hair colour is brown but at the moment it is a dark red. I am fair skinned but not pale. I'm not skinny but I'm not fat. I'm from England. I've always loved acting , I have always played a part in my schools theatre programmes, and I am currently working on play called Shakers. In my past performances I have been awarded with grade As. I adore the Supernatural series I have watched all the seasons. I think Jensen and Jared are both extremely amazing actors and it is my dream to work with them, even if that means working as a main role or an extra. I do have a natural talent for acting and if you give me a chance i will not let you down. Thank you and please email me anything else you want to know.

Posted by Heva Ikram (2011-03-27) 3904

Hi my name is Pamela Sosa am 21 years old am interested in being an extra in any CW or HBO show. for more information about me please feel free to E-mail me. thank you.

Posted by Pamela Sosa (2011-03-20) 3878

Hey it's Jenn again I really need to back up my... "resume". Haha I am now in another play "Peter pan" it is a revised version on the original and I play the chiefs wife, mama drummin squaw. This is a pretty big part and a bunch of people tried out for it (150 maybe) and only 43 people made it. Some of my talents are eating alot and not gaining, haha, making ppl lauh being sarcastic being nice making ppl feel better drum set ummmmmm acting obviously I'm ropy great with animals I'm not a priss but I can act like one ummmmmmm and I love supernatural. My life would mean something to me if I got a part. I rlly feel like I could be an off to the side but kind of main character like maybe ben's gf who hunts cuz a demon killed her family. I rlly liked the character jo and I wanna play a part like her. I look great in just about anything I love my body it's rlly late so I'm typing rlly fast no time for commas haha I am a firm believer in the supernatural in fact I just rlly recently like yeterday found out tht I live where the lene lenape Indian tribe lived but idk if this is Indian burial ground but I'm yay me tht there is something in this house and I dnt feel safe at all but I feel a bit safer when my dog is wig me I rlly need to get out of this house this town this... Life! And just have a happy one cuz there's so much immature drama and I'm sick of it. At least with tv it's fun funny and fake haha thts y I like acting bcause I get to pretend I'm someone else and escape my world for awhile. So pls pls pls! Be reading this and pls get me a part in supernatural. Or actually auditions since u cut trust anything on he Internet. Thnk u for ur time.

Posted by Jenn (2011-02-17) 3801

Hi I'm Jenn and I love to act. I'm 5feet 1inch and Caucasian. I am very obedient but not a robot. I weight a little more thn 85 pounds. I am great at learning lines and acting, especially once I get the part and warmed up to people. I've been in 3 plays and I loved each one. And in all my school projects that include acting I'm always the best one and add a little twist to my character. I love supernatural and if I had to choose a part I would pick either A girl who has been through an expeirience like the blonde girl in bloody Mary or a child who has been possesed by a demon since I love to be sarcastic and one up people. I LOVE supernatural and watch it all the time with M friend. I even got a bunch of my other friends hooked. I love jensen ackles and think he's a great actor. I also think the same for Jared. If I get to audition and if get a part I will always follow the rules but I won't be a boring stickler. I REALY need this job, I am suffocating in my town. I have noting to do and my talent is being wasted. I am beautiful with naturally curly brown hair with highlights. I know I would be really good for supernatural and I hope someone is reading this. Thank you if you are. Have a nice day!

Posted by Jenn (2011-01-03) 3640

My name is Sharon Shea. I'm 15 and i'm in 9th grade. It would be so great if I get be on this show. Its always been my dream to act.It would be so great because me and my family watch this show every time its on. And it would be a great honor if i could be on this show. If i had a chance to be I would try my hardest to be in it and do my part.

Posted by Sharon Shea (2010-12-30) 3617

Hi I am Sydney Bachochin, eighteen and a senior in High School. I love to act, its one of my favorite things to do. I am on my schools speech team, and this year, I'm doing a cut about the inner turmoils of a vampire. Ive been told I play the creepy part very well. I am 5"7 and around 180lbs but I'm a dedicated actor and I absolutely love Supernatural and everyone who has made it as great as it is. I hope that you will consider using me as an extra, be it demon, vampire, other nasty, a victim, or whatever else you have in mind. Thank you!

Posted by Sydney Bachochin (2010-12-15) 3570

My name is Alexander Tart. I'm from Marion SC. I'm black, standing at 5'6" 210 lbs. I was told once that I would be perfect at as a demon, a dead man, or some other monster. I've a huge fan of your show for quite some time and given a chance I know I won't let you down.

Posted by Alexander Tart (2010-12-01) 3522

Hello! I'm Stine and I'm from Norway and I'm 15 years old. I got brown hair, medium build and been an extra in a movie before and I love acting, even though I don't got alot of acting experience. I am willing to travel as far as I need to, even if it is just for a small part in the series. I would love to be an extra or a supporting role on Supernatural! :) Thanks

Posted by Stine Hansen (2010-10-27) 3457

I'm Robert.I know how to sing and act a little.When I haven't shaved in a while people say I look like a grown man even though I'm 18. When my face is shaved they say I look like a young bartender(I am a bartender).so I would love to play a young bartender part.If you think I have the right face for another part that would be cool too.So let me know when you need someone.

Posted by Robert Jones (2010-10-10) 3420

My name is Ian Galliguez and I'm Filipino. I've been acting for 10 years now for the biggest network in the Philippines - ABSCBN. I've been part of several award winning and highly rated TV shows and movies.

I'm a hardworking team player and I'm willing to travel to be part of Supernatural.

Posted by Ian Victor (2010-09-28) 3385

im a huge fan of supernatural i would liove to be in the show or some one who would apper its the best damn show iv ever seen and the special effects are awsome i live in clearwater fl im 21 years old it would be a great honor to work with everyone one the show iv been in a few plays in middle school i know it was a while ago but im a sweetheart iv alway wantted to be in movies and shows including this show its awsome

Posted by meagan cote (2010-09-27) 3382

Hi, i'm Amy and i live in Miami, Fl. As you've been reading from everyone, i love acting. I love your show and the actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are great actors and are truly amazing which is why it would be an honor to act with you guys. I'm bilingual in english an spanish and it would really be a honor for me to be on the show.
I have curly chocolate hair
Dark brown eyes
i'm skinny
and i'm 5'7''
Please email me back, this would be unbelievably wonderful. Super wicked! xD

Posted by Amy Segura (2010-08-10) 3295

hey my name is Myrissa. i live in Vermont, and i really want to become an actress. I dont have much experience, but its always been my dream. i have medium length hair, its blonde. I have hazel eyes, though sometimes they are also green. I love Supernatural, and every since i started watching it i have been dieing to meet Jensen Ackles..hes my idol! my two sisters, and my brothers watch it too. =] this would make my dream come true, even if in my part im barely in the scene. im really hoping to get an email back, thank you so much!

Posted by Myrissa Fleury (2010-07-22) 3235

Hey, my name is Caitlin Repp. I have short, black hair that is wavy (but I straighten it all the time.) I am Native American and I have tan skin and I have quite a goth look to me. I would love a part in this show more than anything! I have taken drama classes since I was 7. I love Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles so much. It would be my biggest dream in the world to be on the show even if I played someone who just stood there for 1 second. I am PRAYING for an email back. I am a great actress as far as I can tell. I also have been told I can sing and change the way my voice sounds. I have a great sense of humor as I am told. I love Supernatural and I hope you get this and email me back and allow me to audition for some part. Thanks! :)

Posted by Caitlin Repp (2010-07-09) 3197

Hello! My name is Melibea but most of my friends call me Meli. I have a deep love for the show Supernatural and would love nothing more than to have a small part in an episode before the show ends. I have seen ever episode since it started and I love it more and more. I am 22 years old, Hispanic and living in Tucson, Az. I have never acted in anything, but I took drama in high school for 2 years for fun because I loved doing improv and being in character is fun, especially when you have an entertaining group. I was hoping to get a chance to audition for any kind of role in Supernatural because it really is my favorite show along with Dexter. Praying for an email back!!! Thanks.

Posted by Melibea (Meli) Ahumada (2010-06-25) 3070

Hey, I'm Sophie Walton, an aspiring 13-year old actress who's never been on camera but can't wait to be. Supernatural is the best show in the world (besides X-Files, but that doesn't run anymore...). I have a dream to act alongside Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins.
I'm 5' 4", with dirty blonde hair and my legs make up about 3/5 of my body. Yeah. I live in Fort Collins, CO.
I've acted in over a dozen plays, and starred as Puck in William's Window. I can play an array of characters, including a thief, a nun, a hobgoblin, and a teenage pyromaniac arsonist. I've also acted in a number of musicals, singing solos in all of them.
Send me the demon Crowley and I'll sell my soul to be on Supernatural!

Posted by Sophie Walton (2010-05-25) 2986

Hi, my name is Courtney and I am a 5'2 fifteen year old girl (one month until sixteen) with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with a slim build. I am from Alberta, Canada and am an avid actress and have been in a total of eight plays and one monologue (which got one of the top marks in my class). My dream role is to be a character (or even an extra) on the show Supernatural, I am a HUGE fan of the show and always will be. I love the plot and characters and would die for a chance to work with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. If anyone from the show Supernatural is reading this and they have any say in casting please respond if you think i could be in the show as any character at all, it would be really really appreciated :)

Posted by Courtney A. (2010-05-20) 2979

hey im John i have just recently descorverd this show and i am hoocked, my favorite show use to be charmed but when i found out there was one like it but better and with dudes i had to see it so ever sense then i have my direct dvr to record all the episodes while im at school i am 17 a junior in high school planning on majoring in acting\performing arts, im in the advanced drama class in my school and just finished a comedy play acting isnt just a dream to me it is far more it is the only thing i have ever had fun with and get a rush from i hope to someday be on this show because it help to further my plan and i would love to see how the show is made meet the actors producers and writters and everyone so if you ever need teenage guy let me know and i will drive down and dont worry i have expirence haha thanks fro reading all of this and taking your time

Posted by John Turner (2010-05-16) 2967

Hi im Brittany, im 15 years old and i absolutely love supernatural. I believe in ghosts because when i was younger 5-8 i had night terrors and if anyone has seen paranormal activity my mum said i would wake up screaming and point at the wall and ask if anyone could see the ghost! My favourite characters are dean, sam, castiel and ruby. I would love to act on supernatural and become part of the team. I am planning and saving up to come to ameica, unfortunetely i live in NZ, and meet all the people like the supernatural cast that inspire me to live my life to the full. Thanks.

Posted by Brittany (2010-04-15) 2826

hi i'm brooke i'm 15 years old & im a huge fan of superntaural, me & my mom watched the show when it frist came out & i just fell in love with it, it was my favorite every seen it's funny, cool, & all of the cast on the bloopers i more funny then ever. one of my favorite characters from the show is sam, dean wincheaster, & castile their just the coolest characters ever. the one reason why i would love to be y' alls show is that i can do some real cool stuff, i can act too, the othet reason is that i know all the cast & episode, i made up my own character her name is Joanne Rebecca (JR for short ) Wincheaster like Sam is her dad who he got a girl pregnet in collage 15 years ago, i'm really into all the freaky stuff like Sam & Dean, i'm really into ghost i actually believe in ghost so does my mom, i take really good direction, i can act really good becuase i was in a couple of plays 2 years ago, i would also love to be on the same screen jared padalecick & jensen acklies, i'm easy to work with & i'm a hard worker & i hope will choose me to on you're #1 CW show, i hope you will choose just for one episode & you can see how hard i work to be a great actress, & also if you choose me it would be really greatful to be part of the greatest cast of al time please choose me for y' alls next season it would be really cool. Thanks for you'r time.

Posted by brooke (2010-04-13) 2824

i am 18 and a fan of the series supernatural, i think jared and jensen are great actors and just great at what they do they have a fantastic producer eric kripke who just makes it interesting to want to be on the show. I am a hard worker and i have a great personality and i'm easy to work with i hope you will choose me to be on the show, even if it's just for one episode, just to be on the screen with jensen, jared, misha and of course jim beaver will make it worth while thanks

Posted by Tiffany Sallee (2010-04-12) 2814

My name is Rachel Dodd I`m 29 years old. I am 5`5" tall a little over weight but really it doesn`t show. I was born and raised in New Port Richey, Florida. I have no formal acting from high school nor have I gone to acting school but I would love a chance to act because really I have been doing it most of my life. I have learned that there are many different aspects of the human mind and no matter the situation u are always playing a role. Be that role with your family, your friends or even the people that you work with you are always conforming to the standards of how they want to see you and not who you really are. I would like to expand my experience in life and to be able to play these different roles that I have learned. However most important I would love to act.

Posted by Rachel Dodd (2010-04-12) 2813

My name is Denise. I'm 18 years old and I live in Millersburg Kentucky, Supernatural is my favorite show and I would love the chance to be on it I've taken drama three out of my four years of high school and acting is something I really want to do with my life. Jensen and Jared are really talented and i would love the chance to act with them on the show.

Posted by Denise Buckler (2010-04-09) 2801

My name is Kathryn. I'm 22 years old and live in British Columbia Canada. I'm 5"6, 140 lbs, and have dark brown eyes and hair. My look can be quite versitile, and I take good direction and am very punctual. I'd love the oppurtunity to be cast as an extra on Supernatural and I think I can be quite an asset. I live only 15 minutes away from the studios where most of Supernatural is filmed in Burnaby, and often see the sets down my street or in my backyard. I'm a local girl just looking for a break.

Posted by Kathryn (2010-04-08) 2791

My name is Amber. I'm 18 years old and I'm in love with Supernatural. I'm 5'6" and range from 125-130 pounds depending on the day. I have blue eyes (Sometimes green) and freckles. My hair is blond/red. True - I may not be the stunning girl that you usually see on TV. But I've watched this show enough to know that it doesn't need perfect looking people because you're trying to make it as real as possible. Not every girl is gorgeous. I'm hoping that I will get a chance to act in this show. Even if It's an extra I will be delighted.

Posted by Amber Gunn (2010-03-18) 2695

Hi, my name is Dana. I'm a huge fan of supernatural I am 12 years old, I have (natural) red hair, I have hazel eyes I'm about 5foot, I'm a healthy wait. I'm funny and outgoing easy to get along with and (accorildibg to everyone I know ) I'm a terrific actress

Posted by Dana (2010-03-14) 2681

Hi I'm Alison. I'm Caucasian, 5'6'' and 17 years old. I am of average weight, 135 lbs. I am an avid fan of Supernatural and would devote myself completely to this. I would absolutely love to be an extra on the show sometime. I am trying to break into acting. You won't be sorry if I get this opportunity. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you contact me.

Posted by Alison (2010-03-09) 2663

HELLOOO! my name is brittany melanson. I live in Victoria, BC. I'm 5'9" 145 pounds and 20 years old. I have dark brown hair with one blonde panel on the side. I have green eyes and a more "athletic" type body I suppose. I'm somewhat new to the acting shinanigins but seeing as I'm definitely an avid fan of the show it would be more of a privledge than a job offer to be an extra. So I hope to hear from you!

Posted by Brittany Melanson (2010-02-20) 2614

Hi, my name is Emily. I'm 15 years old, i am "5'4-5'6". I live in Canada. Ontario.I am average weight, I have brown hair and I play sports. I want to get my acting career started, and would love to be given the chance to be on the show. I can cast for any role, i will always try, and am commited. I am sarting out,but i have been in a play production (Stuart Little) and did two small musical skits (Annie, and Cats). In school i have taken Drama and have performed, written, and directed many performances within my class. I am enrolled in the program "Ensemble" which continues my acting learning. If thee is even the smallest role i am up for it. hope to hear from you guys. Thanks

Posted by Emily Ma. (2010-01-30) 2515

Hi, my name is Emily. I'm 15 years old, i am "5'4-5'6". I live in CAN. Ontario.I am average weight and i play sports. I want to get my acting career started, and would love to be given the chance to be on the show. I can cast for any role, i will always try, and am commited. I am sarting out,but i have been in a play production (Stuart Little) and did two small musical skits (Annie, and Cats). In school i have taken Drama and have performed, written, and directed many performances within my class. I am enrolled in the program "Ensemble" which continues my acting learning. If thee is even the smallest role i am up for it. hope to hear from you guys. Thanks.

Posted by Emily M (2010-01-30) 2514

hi. im julius. im 20, i live in california. im a big fan of the show. i see myself as someone that should have been there since day one.not a main actor..a supporting actor. i beleive myself to be an amazing actor and work hard to bring the bacon home for a role. i love to travel so getting to a set will be easy.. i deliver lines like a pro. im a great guy and would go well with tha funny and can be serious when needed. I enjoy Chinese food. i want to play a role on this show because, i feel as if this show has changed my life and i wanna be apart of changing other peoples life's.. i wanna get up every morning remember the work i put into the development of this already amazing show, if i do make it to the top one day i wanna be able to thank the cast of this how for bettering me. thank you. please consider me as a role for anything. i dont know if these message board work. but im willing to give anything a try

Posted by Julius Jones (2010-01-17) 2482

I Am 14 years old and 5'4" with black hair and blue eyes. I live in Worcester, England. The only thing i really enjoy is acting!! I go to 3 drama activity groups and have loved every single bit of it. I absoloutly adore Supernatural and i deffinatly havnt missed one episode of it. Im confident and make friends easily, I dont get shy when performing on stage with big audiences. I Think if i was picked to have an audtion it would make a huge change to my life. Its been more then a dream of mine to have a part in the show! Please consider me for a role in the programme. Please get back to me with any detailed information, it would honestly make my dream come true! Thank you for reading through my paragragh and i hope you think about my words...

Posted by Arabella Summer Romero (2010-01-02) 2421

hello, my name is Nicole Alchin,
i am 16 turning 17 in March, 5'4", medium/short natural red hair and blue eyes. i LOVE to act. my dream career is to be an actress, I love the show Supernatural and its one of my biggest dreams to play even the smallest role on that show. please consider me for any role.

for any more information feel free to email me.

thanks, Nicole :)

Posted by Nicole Alchin (2009-12-16) 2372

Hi my name is Zoe, I am 13 years old, 5"8 caucasian female, and weigh 175 lbs. I live in British Columbia, Canada. I have NEVER missed an episode of Supernatural and it has become kinda a Thursday night tradition. I know every single episode name, including all the characters names. My friend and I also watched you film a Supernatural episode in Red Wood park in Surrey.
It has been my goal and my dream to be a extra on Supernatural! If you choose me to be in the tv show, I am happy with anything you give. I have starred in a couple of school plays and have made a movie with my friend called The Creeper which is posted on Youtube! (Im the blonde one, but I dyed my hair brown to get a better chance in tv roles)
Any information you have, please email me when ever you can. Thank you! :)

Posted by Zoe Torchia (2009-11-27) 2339

I am an actor from Winnipeg, Canada and would LOVE the opportunity to audition for Supernatural! Would anyone happen to know if there are casting breakdowns for the show posted here or elsewhere online? I'd like to forward the information to my agent. I realize, naturally, that I would have to fly myself out for LOCAL auditioning, but I'd love the chance nonetheless. Any info on casting breakdowns would be HUGLY appreciated! Thanks!

Posted by Stefanie Austin (2009-11-26) 2336

Hi, my name is Elisha, I am 15 years old, 5'8, caucasian and living in Prince George, British Columbia. I've been watching SUPERNATURAL since the very first episode came on TV. It has been my favorite show ever since, and a dream of mine to be an Extra/Supporting Role on SUPERNATURAL. Jensen and Jared are (by far) the most talented actors I've seen yet. I've always loved acting, Its been something I love doing since I was young. I've taken many Drama/Acting courses, and Musical Theatre courses, and I'm still taking some. I really hope you will consider me as an Extra for the TV show, I'm a very fast learner and I'm ready/willing to take on anything that is thrown my way. Thank you for reading this and I reallly hope to hear back from someone.

Posted by Elisha Alexandra Ness (2009-11-04) 2246

I'd love to audition to be an extra or supporting role on Supernatural. Jenson and Jared are extremely talented, and my two best friends and I have fallen in love with the show. (We even spend half the time pretending that one of us is Dean, the other Sam, and I'm John.) I'm 15 years old, 5' and about 125 lbs, and caucasian. I have experience as major roles in middle and high school in musical theatre. I'm a fast learner, and I'm willing to do anything (within reason,) and take on any role. Thank you for reading and I hope you will consider me as an extra.

Posted by Valerie Paige Ferguson (2009-09-12) 2073

I'm hoping you could consider me but, you don't have to I have no experience in acting but, I would work hard and anything would work even being an extra. I'm asian and I don't know my height. I live in Colorado, Pueblo West I don't have an agent. I would be really glad if you consider me for something and thank you if you have the time to read this and I'm 14 years old.

Posted by Ralph Le (2009-08-23) 1998

I'm Erika. I'm 15 years old soon to be 16. I'm 5'3 and around 115 lbs and Hispanic. I LOVE to watch Supernatural. I've become really passionate about acting. I really haven't had much experience with the acting biz except my school plays, but once I set my mind to something that I'm crazy about, I devote all my time and effort and I turn out to be a natural at it. I will soon be getting into acting lessons and my school's drama club to improve my acting. I will be delighted to act an actual role where I'll be actually be noticed by other agents. I know that seems a bit selfish but I really, really, really want to have my face on the big-screen. I want to make it big but with whatever script is available I'll give it my all. I promise you that won't disappoint you. I hope you take interest in my letter and thank you so very much for taking your time to read my letter!

Posted by Erika Jazmin Ibarra (2009-08-10) 1936

Hello, My name is Rebecca Clayton. I'm 15 years old and live in Beverly, NJ. I'm pale and I'm 5'4. I'm a 150 Ibs. I have brown eyes and reddish brown hair. I've been in love with Supernatural since the day I saw it. I've been dreaming of working with the cast and working as hard as I can. I'm not afraid of anything that pops up on the show and I always have a huge curiosity on how the brothers solve it. I'll take any role and I promise to be the best I can be. I can be pretty funny every once and awhile though.

Posted by Rebecca (2009-07-22) 1814

Hi. My name is Rachel Diane Willis. I have bright red hair (like irish setters hair.) I am 5'2-5'3. I would love to be on this show. Amazing writing.

Posted by Rachel (2009-07-15) 1773

i love supernatural. I would love to meet jensen ackles and jared padalecki they are awesome actors. I would love to act with both of them. I am also in the army so i know a little bit bout guns and not really scared of blood and things of that nature.

Posted by nicole fultz (2009-07-09) 1746

hello, my name is jordyn collins, i am 13 and it has always been my dream to be on supernatural, i watch it every thursday night at 9, its my 2nd favorite show ever. me and my sister alie are probly the biggest fans of the show we love it soo much. i would be a perfect xtra because i have had expierience in acting in school when i was in 6th grade... i LOVE SUPERNATURAL, jensen ackles, and jared padelacki.... thank you for youre time

Posted by jordyn collins (2009-07-02) 1702

i like the show and all that supernatural stuff. I can't wait to see Dead Tone which is similar.

Posted by dee corpuz (2009-06-26) 1670

hi im nicole ,
first off im a big fan of the show. i have been an extra befor in whistler, and a movie called home for the holidays. i think it would be an amazing experience to beable to meet the cast and appear on the 20 turning 21 in august. I live in langley b.c. ive also turned alot of the people i know into supernatural fans.

Posted by Nicole Demers (2009-06-25) 1658

hi, my name is marlene, i lived in new york, 19 years old, latinahispanic and i love the show and act too althought i dont have so much expirences i did like to be in the show, My dream is to get a role on a TV show or even a movie, even if it is a small role.

Posted by marlene martines (2009-05-26) 1494

i want dean have a heart and do the right thing and save sam life famley mean everything to sam

Posted by gaelyn thomson (2009-05-18) 1463

I am a 16 year old actor living in Prescott Valley, AZ. I have a resume' ready to send if need be and am a very resilient actor. Have done many different productions (both middle school and high school) and can improv. Can learn lines extremely quickly and i dont get stage fright.
I am a white male
135 lbs
Platinum blond hair
6 foot
Blue green eyes with undertones of orange. with red dots. . .its weird. Anyways, any role appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Phillip Shaner (2009-04-25) 1348

My name is Kylie I'm from Pennsylvania and I'm 13. I live, breathe, watch, act, write, and think supernatural 24/7. I think I would be perfect for a role in supernatural because it's my whole life. I love supernatural so much that I collect the scripts, and dvds. I know almost every line said by Dean an Sam. I'm in drama Iuv to act. I get the leading roles in everything. I think I would be perfect as one of yellow eye's children. I act the script I make as yellow eye's children, and I have friend's and enemies tell me I'm really good. So please give me a chance to show you how good I can be.
Thank for your time of reading this.Please consider me thank you!!!!!!

Posted by Kylie (2009-04-13) 1294

Hello, my name is Maria. I am a 20-year-old girl who is just starting out acting. I've been told I look younger by some. I'm Italian and very outgoing. I've also been told many times that I'm a good actress and that I am funny. I do love to make people laugh. I am 5'3, 105 lbs., have long brunette hair, and brown eyes. It would be so awesome to start my acting career out by appearing on my favorite show. But hey, you must hear that a lot right? I don't know who reads these posts, or if anyone who casts even reads them. If not then it's not a surprise because it's the internet and you don't really know what to believe on it. But if so, then thanks for taking your time to read this.

Posted by Maria (2009-03-30) 1223

hey, my name is collyn. I am really into thriller/supernatural shows and would love a shot at some real acting. I've seen your show and thought it was pretty awesome! I have been in a few school plays and i'm 15. I know you guys must get alot of these posts, but it would be cool if you guys considered me. I've always wanted to go to canada too. I enjoy doing alot of sports, and play a few instruments, and love art and writing. So, there's a little bit about me, and i would love it if you guys considered me. Thanx!!!

Posted by Collyn Aubrey (2009-03-21) 1176

Hi, my name is Jackie. I am a HUGE fan of Supernatural. I have wanted to be on this show since I first saw the Pilot Episode. I am only thirteen, but I will be fourteen in July. (I have taken notice to younger guests on your show.) I have been interested in acting since I was five years old. Sadly, I live in Philadelphia, PA. But I am willing to travel as far as needed! I went through 2 years of acting lessons & was in many plays. Please at least consider it & message me back if possible. I am willing to be anything you would consider casting me as, even if just an extra. I wouldnt expect anything big, because you guys are busy people. Please email me back, & thank you so so much!

- Jackie M.

Posted by Jackie M. (2009-03-18) 1159

Hi I'm Michaela Hickam. I hope you'll remember that name.
I am Caucasian and the last time I checked I was either 5'0 or 5'1..or something like that. I'll have to check.
I'm skinny but not Paris (Hilton)
I am very outgoing so I shouldn't be too shy to deliver a role/script.
I absolutely love Supernatural.
I've been hooked on it since Pilot, as well as Day Dreaming, Dreaming, and Writing (Stories for a Parody or two).
Acting is my Dream.
Please help me succeed?
I don't have any experience other than making a few 'Movies' with friends (For instants the most recent I have recorded is a 'Friday the 13th' Parody.).
I think I'm okay...i mean... not horrible.
I live in Florida.
And sadly.. I am only 12...though I've been told I don't look like a child and that I act like I'm 16 without realizing it.
Anyways... well please consider me for a role..even as an extra(;
I don't mind.
Thanks and Best Wishes to the Cast&Crew of Supernatural
- Michaela Hickam

Posted by Michaela Hickam (2009-03-02) 1088

Hi, my name is Megan Parkinson and I am 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3", and live in Parker, CO. I am very outgoing and have a fun personality-- I love being in front of the camera and meeting another acting family one after another. I have done several local plays along with school plays, including musicals which is another passion of mine (singing). I am willing to take any part that you give me and to do anything to get out there. Supernatural has been a show I have been watching for year's-- I am usually not a fan of horror and thriller, but the creativity put into the show from the writers, the director's, and the actors is amazing. It's seems very real and every new episode makes your skin crawl. It's like a horror movie that's jet packed with jumps one day every week (or most of the time). I know that if you give me a part or even a role as an extra I could deliver it well-- I know the material of the show and that I will do my best to make all of you at Supernatural happy. Thanks again, and please consider me for a role.

-Megan Parkinson

Posted by Megan Parkinson (2009-01-27) 937

Hello, my name is Brooke Hall and I am 15 years old and I absolutely love TV shows. I have acted in school plays and I have directed 2 plays. I love to right plays and one day I hope to be a director and producer. Acting is really important to me, though. I have a very outgoing and funny personality. I do the best that I can to follow my dreams and I have succeeded in that task. I have written plays and put them into competitions and won. Please help me to to achieve my next step in following my dreams. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.

Brooke Hall

Posted by Brooke Hall (2009-01-04) 825

Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3", fit and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,



Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 810

Hi, my name is Daneisha, I am 16 and 5'7''. I live in New York. I love CW shows. I love to act, although I've never had much experience. I've done a mini movie last year as a project for my music video class. I played the role of the teacher. I think I did a good job considering it was the first acting thing I've ever done. The video actually went around the school, many teachers and students saw it and said I did a good job. I love to act and be dramatic or sarcastic. I am also a sports player. I play volleyball and softball...also other sports. I love trying new things. My dream is to get a role on a TV show or even a movie, even if it is a small role. I am plus size and proud of it. I hope you are looking for a proud plus size girl, who is confient and beautiful. More information through email. Thank You. Happy New Year.

Posted by Daneisha D. (2009-01-01) 752

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