The Suite Life of Zack and Cody

The Suite Life of Zack and Cody

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The Suite Life of Zack and Cody Message Board

Welcome to the "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" Message Board - the place to discuss anything and everything about "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody."

Feel free to discuss the show in general, the individual episodes, the cast and characters, and any other aspect of the show. Make your place for expressing your thoughts and communicating with others who share your common interests.

Hi i love the suite life of zack and cody! I esp love london and want to be a part of it too! I can act similar to London!

Posted by Linda (2011-10-20) 5578

hi im dominique i want to be on the show because i find it really funny and i like watching it with my little brother. im short, dark hair. im good at drama and acting says my teacher and i actually think id go well with the show. maybe you could email me sometime. thanks :)

Posted by Dominique (2011-07-04) 4655

I'm Courtney and I'm 14 years old. And i've dreamed about being on this show. I have Dirty Blonde hair, Brown eyes, I weigh 119. I live in Montana. and i'd appreciate it if you email me sometime. Thank you. Bye have a good day.

Posted by Courtney (2011-06-30) 4645

I love this show. I would be exstactic if I could have any sort of role, or as an extra. My natural hair color is dark brown, but for the moment it is orange-red. I have green- hazel eyes. I also have experience in theater, since the age of 8. I'm told I'm goofy and dramatic, but I can follow directions. Please consider me.

Posted by Nyssa (2011-04-06) 3941

I love acting. People always say I'm good. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Send me a e-mail. PLEASE!

Posted by Joseph (2011-03-04) 3825

Hi my name is Abraham Nunez and i wanted to know if you could make me a guest on your show. I would really like that. I have brown eyes and thick wavy dark brown hair that looks black. I am an experienced actor i've been in the movie final destination 4 in the extras. Send me a letter in my mailbox if you have a part for me. I will try to make it a good episode.

Posted by Abraham Nunez (2011-01-13) 3684

Hi i'm 15 and i love to act and dance and just a little bit of modeling. Ive been acting, dancing, and modeling for 7 years and i'm ready to make it to the big screen. i'm a very hard worker i follow directions and i know this is a job but i do like to have fun. I live right outside L.A. I have an agent he drives me to all my auditions and i'm up for anything so email me back please.

Posted by Mikala (Kayla) (2010-12-05) 3532

hi, my name is McCall. I am a very successful person and im a very good actress. i have been in many plays. I am not only good at acting, but also dancing, singing, and performing. I'm a very confudent, willing, hard working girl. I also am talkative and not a shy person. Acting is my dream and i hope to foufil it one day. I would love this job because "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" is my favorite show and i think it would be a good opurtunaty for me. Another reason why i would like to have this job is because i love to act! Although if i dont get this job i will keep trying because acting is what i love and its what i want to do. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!

Posted by McCall (2010-06-30) 3102

Hello, My name is Tori. I'm 14 Years old and i've been interested in acting ever since I was little. I do much of my acting in school. I have been a main role in all my plays. For example ,Wizard of Oz , I was chosen to play the main role as Dorthy . I think I would make a enthusiastic actress because im full of energy, i'm always on time , and I don't back down anything anywhere anytime. If you choose me I wont disappoint you at all . You can count on me for anything. My life revolves around acting whether it's at the mall or at school. I always try my best to act out something that happened right before my eyes. I think in "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" I would be perfect for your eye drooling blonde beautiful crush. To me this isn't a competition , If I get picked then it's great because I can help my parents with their financial needs and my career. Although if I don't get picked then it's ok because I know that life always gives a second chance. Thank You for taking your time to read this and Have a Nice Day!

Posted by Tori Szmejda (2010-06-24) 3065

Hi, Im Mckenzie, i can act, dance, and do gymnastics. Ive been in 3 plays, one of them is Romeo and Juilet. I love acting and being the center of attention. I will and have done anything to be in the spotlight. I would fit in to any cast you set me in, I get along with most anyone. If anyone choose me they would not be dissapointed I work hard at anything i do, So i hope you've taken the time to read this and consider me! Thanks!

Posted by Mckenzie (2010-06-22) 3060

Hey~! i'm 13 and looking for my career to take off in the right direction! It might seem weird but i talk to myself to make my acting better! I try different voices because my true dream was to do a voice over for a show...but once i looked at some advice websites it said it would be great if i got into acting first! I joined DI in my school which is a acting club we got 1st~! So i was just wondering if i can join the cast even if its a small part i'll take it! I'm confident that if u could choose me for this job you won't be disappointed!

Posted by Sierra Boyle (2010-06-04) 3010

i've always been wanting to be in the acting business i just haven't looked into it. people say i have it in it me & that i'd be great,if i were to starr in a show it'd be the suite life on zack & cody.

Posted by kangg (: (2010-06-02) 3006

Hey I'm 12 years old but all my friends say I look 14. I have always wanted to be an actor and I have been in a few school plays when available because our school dosent do plays but everytime I have gotten the lead role. My friends say I'm outgoing an friendly and I love to do little plays for the neighborhood kids and they love it. If you contact me about this job or any job I would be grateful!

Posted by Stephanie Wing (2010-05-16) 2964

Hi my name is taylor and ever since i was a little girl i have wanted to be an actress, because i find that i can take all of my trubls and emotions and put it into my acting and make it my own. i have been told many of times that i have a gift that many people dont have because i can do these things. when i was 12 i was taken away from my mom and my sisters and they went to foster homes and i went to my dads whom i had never met before. my sisters would have came with me but we all have differant fathers. that was in north carolina but then we moved right hear to iowa i am now 16. so as you can see i do probalby have a lot of fellings and emotions to put in my acting . when im acting its like theres notiong else aroujnd me but those peopole with me and the seane.

Posted by Taylor Walters but everyone calls me bella (2010-04-20) 2843

People I am already an actress haha

Posted by Selena Gomez (2010-04-17) 2830


Posted by ZAMEIR REED (2010-03-31) 2749

Hey my name is Miranda Henson im 14 years old and im from north carolina. i have wanted to be an actress. i have great potential and i am worth contacting. so please if you are interested please contact me.
thank you - miranda

Posted by Miranda Henson (2010-03-14) 2687

i am 14 and i always wanted to be an actor since i watched your show so pleeese pick me thanks

Posted by brandon (2010-03-07) 2658

I love to sing/act. I would make a good model

Posted by Emily (2010-02-21) 2622

hello my name is Jon and i am 16 and i am a really funny kid according to my friends but i think i would be a good addition to the sweet life cause im pretty funny like zack and cody just make my dream come true

Posted by jonathan cheverie (2010-01-08) 2453

hey i love acting and i would love to be on the show i am
13 yrs. old and would do anything to be on the show!

Posted by Estelle (2010-01-03) 2429

hi my name is rakiyah perry!i love to act and i wanted to act all my life im just waiting for a dream come true!!

Posted by rakiyah perry (2009-12-26) 2397

hi my name is shakai berry i have great potentail nd acting

Posted by shakai berry (2009-12-26) 2396

my name is Chelsi.....ive always wanted to be an actress and ive always wanted to be on a kids Telvision series and in really good at acting so please help can chek me out on facebook and help me out and i promise u wont regret it.....ill send u a freind request first.....My name is Chelsi Alexander.........and im a great actress and my mother and I think I have great potentail...thanks : D

Posted by Chelsi (2009-12-06) 2359

my name is shabena and my whole live i wanted to be a movie star and a singer i live in Jamaica and i need help

Posted by shabena (2009-11-23) 2322

hi my name is john and i post stereo typical messages about being on the show. haha sorry couldnt resist, i've been the lead in all productions at my high school starting sophmore year, and i'm looking for something outside of school productions.since phone numbers are not allowed you can find me on facebook (sorry i know its not professional) or check out my explore talent account and let me know :)

Posted by john knudsen (2009-11-12) 2269

Dear talent searchers,
no need for anymore searching i am a 13 year with determination . i have meduim light brown hair, blue/green eyes and white skin. i'm willing to do anything to achieve my dreams i'm willing to start out as an extra but im convinced you'll like me and i will most likely move up the entertainment ladder.
thankss :))

Posted by bethen cork (2009-08-28) 2020

Hi i'm Renata. i'm 13 years old and i absolutely LOVE watching zack and Cody. the show is so funny.
i love acting.
my talents are: acting (duh :D), singing, horse back riding and dancing.
i'm Canadian and Croatian (for those of you wondering croatia is a small place across the sea from Italy...somewhere:)
if interested pleazies contact me.

Posted by Renata (2009-08-25) 2004

hello ive seen alot of the shows and i think its a great show and im intrested please contact me

Posted by chelsea (2009-08-18) 1983

I'm Steph, I'm 14 years old. I live in Minnesota, and I've been acting since I was in 3rd grade. I enjoy being infront of the camera, and I'm also a Model. I weigh about 113 and I'm 5ft 4in. I'm not afraid of rejection, but I'd really like to be on your show. Thanks for your time, Steph.

Posted by steph (2009-08-16) 1972

Hey!~ My name's Jess, I'm 12, and I live in MA. I really want to be an actress in a movie or on television. It's my dream! I will commit 110%. I love this show so much, and I usually don't watch Disney channel unless I see that The Suite Life of Zack & Cody or The Suite Life on Deck is on. Pretty please cast me! I'll be all that and a slice of pizza LOL!!! ^^

Posted by Jess S. (2009-08-09) 1917

hi my name is jerrell leviston i am 13 yrs old and i live in chesapeak V"A for a very long time i have admired dylan and cole acting and performances i have noticed new things about there talent and watched all of there episodes they are very good actors very hilarious i would love to be with everone on the set or just be on there for experience thank you for reading

Posted by JERRELL LEVISTON (2009-07-30) 1867

hi im twelve years ild and i would love to become an actor my whole life ive been made fun of and no one would talk to me, but if i become a actor maybe people would treat me different like a super star

please im begging you i need this more then anything and i love the sweet life of Zack and Cody

Posted by Thalia (2009-07-05) 1721

i am 14 about 5'3, African American and i have watched this show since it started and I've always wanted to be on it. I have been acting since i was 5 and would love a part on your show. Thanks

Posted by Jarred (2009-07-02) 1709

Hello, my name is Sabrina and I am fifteen years old. I am a 5' 9 African-American. I would love to be a guest on The Suite Life Of Zack and Cody or The Suite Life on Deck. I have a lot of acting experience. Please contact me back if I have a chance. Thanks

Posted by Sabrina (2009-06-28) 1687

i am 13 years old and i have always wanted to be and actor i have watched The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and i have always wanted to be on it

I am very sporty

I am tall blonde with blue eyes and i weigh 96 pounds i live in tucson arizona and i am going in 8th grade

i hope i can actually make it on!!!

Posted by caitlin ann hynes (2009-06-26) 1664

hey this is taylor i would LOVE! to b on the show. i am a model anyway. i model in magizeens and everything. i haven't been put in a comurtiol yet but i am hopping for my agent to call and put me in one. pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeee e-mail me! if u don't belive i am a model then call my agent. well u don't know her number, but if u c me u will c her too. well i have also been in numeral plays. i would just love to b on disneychannel. that is all i have to say. oh and PLEASE pick me. thanks!

Posted by taylor grant (2009-06-21) 1625

Hello, my name is Parker. I am a twelve year old girl.I love acting!
I also am in all honors classes at school, take gymnastics, play the flute, and was in the advanced choir at school. (I'm not in choir now because I am changing schools this year and can't be in band AND choir like I was last year.) I plan to continue being in the school musical every year.
I am caucacian, have long brown hair, hazel eyes, am around 4' 8'' or so, and I'm pretty thin.
I would be overjoyed with ANY part on the show!

Posted by Parker L. (2009-06-10) 1567

Hi. My name is Mariah and I just love acting. I love when you can be a different character and just be you.

Posted by Mariah Sierra Furlow (2009-06-01) 1523

I'm Lexi and I've been watching Suite Life since it came out! I'm 11 years old and I would love to be one of the co-stars on this T.V show. I have a great personality and I love to do weird things. I could be a girl who goes to school with them or something I would just love to be on the show please consider me! thanks a bunch! Lexi S.

Posted by Lexi S. (2009-05-26) 1496

hello in france from philippines ... i love the story or the series are nice,,,, im willing to join as a extra on the show and in 18 yrs old i think my age enough to do this kind of show... im a filipino asian ,, in 5'5 height and 165lbs in weight... actually my dream is to go new york ,,, because it is so beautiful... honestly in willing to join if there is a opportunity thank you/..... csi

Posted by France belle b, lacap (2009-05-19) 1469

hiii, wow ive tried so many things to become famous. ive always loved performing and acting. ive been in many plays. i have wanted to be on tv for about 11 years now. i started at about 5 and im now 16, you do the math. i dont know how else to try and make my dream come true, so im trying everything i can. pleeaseee helpppp! (:

Posted by hailey (2009-05-18) 1462

Hi my name is nahshon eliakem ramdhany i am an indian wu is fluent in english i live in south africa kwazulunatal in a little town calld port shepstone i love acting breakdancing and writing hip hop music i believe dat i am a vri talent young man wu has a lot of potential i have had lead roals in many plays in big plays at school and church all i need is for somebody to notise me and help me shine here in portshepstone it is a veri quite town and there is often veri little or no opportunity for kidz like me i live with my mum an sister my mum is a single parent all i can do is have ambision dream big and hope that god lets somebody notise me

Posted by Nahshon (2009-05-14) 1449

love the show

Posted by Kandy (2009-05-04) 1403

Hi, my name is Itzel and i am 14 becoming to be 15 this year will what can i say uh o so yeah i have always seen this show and i like how everything is like how zack cody mosby cary and esteban and london act in it i just want to be in it so i could have fun and plus my mom always says that i should be acting for a show that i would love so i hope u guys pick me that will be a dream come true.Thank you

Posted by Itzel pimentel (2009-05-02) 1390

hey, this is yvonne and i'm 12. i have always wanted to b an actres when i grow up. umm i'm not so sure if i spelled actres right or not. just ignor my spelling. i am a bad speller. but i've seen your shows and this was my long life living dream to b on the suite life of zach and cody. i just hope i DO! i am a really good actore too. and i'm good looking. well i think so. oh yeh and i'm really short for a sixth grader. so if i ever DO end up on the show, then you'll probably mistake me for somone els. watch out for that. BYE! :)

Posted by yvonne jedeon (2009-04-21) 1333

Hello! My name is karissa and, i know the show well, but i think its a grate production, and im looking for something, to start with, i know how to act well, and i think ill do well. Im 14, and skinnny, nice, brown hair/eyes, five foot two

Posted by karissa (2009-04-18) 1321

Hello people im sandra im 12 and cant give intensive details on what i look like but i can say im very fit have blue eyes that stand out extreamely well and blonde hair.I've always wanted to be a actor it is my dream that i will make come true.There are many reasons i think i can act i can cry on spot, be happy/excited, or so anything on spot. I moved a little bit ago so i droped alot of this but if i can act in anything i will do 120% like i did with Videography club, student council,basket ball,volley ball, comunitie serviece, competision cheer and anythin else ive done in my life. i am very outgoing very active not boring whats so ever and a amazing person oh and not to mention that im a perfectionist so when i do somthing i do it right. well thank you for taking time to read this letter SEE YA PEOPLE!!!!

Posted by Sandra (2009-04-12) 1283

Im 12 almost 13 brunette about 4'7 girl. Im a very outgoing and energetic girl, and I love to have an appearal on The Suite Life. I dance and have always wanted to work with big stars like Dylan and Cole Sprouse. I have worked with some stars but not many! I have worked with Kerry Russel, Joey and Jackie Dowling, Justin and Lindy Giles, Mandy Moore, Lisa Holtz-Odel. You can depend on me to do my part and not be a snob about getting a part, I would be so greatful for this Part! I have a great family that would suport me on this amazing oppertunity! Again I would love this part so much and some day if I get this I could work with you again!

Thank You So Much,

Posted by Marra (2009-04-04) 1245

im 11 years old and my # 1 dream has always been to act on disney channel..I also can sing..hope u will forfill my dreams..

love tayler

Posted by tayler hartness (2009-03-26) 1201

Hey! I really want to be a star on my own show and I've got to start somewhere right? Act, dance, fake cry, fake laugh, whatever you need! Ask any one Im real out going not the type of shy person! Im a leader! PLEASE LET MY SPARK SHINE! Im fresh and new! "Im like a firecracker I make it hot when i put on a show!"

P.S. Im turing 12 on 3-14 PiCK ME WHATA BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!

Posted by Haley Gorman (2009-03-08) 1107

i have always had a passion for acting. I was in theatre class when i was in highschool. and its always been an option for me. I am REALLY interested in it and i constantly mess with my friends making them think that im mad or upset when in reality. Im just acting to see if im good or not. They believe me but there not anyone to really try and fool. But i would love an opportunity to star on this show. Im a big kid at heart and im only 18. Ill be 19 in october. so if you need an extra. or a role in that age area. I will try my damnest. I'll be commenting on other shows too that i like that i see on this website. I stumbled across it and i added it to my favorites so ill deffinetly be commin back here soon to add more comments to pages.
You will find me being determined. So just let me know.

Posted by Mike Todd (2009-03-02) 1075

I have no experirence but i wont disappoint i just need a chance.

Posted by Jasmine (2009-02-28) 1070


Posted by Kailey (2009-02-19) 1030

Hello. My name is Alexis and im 13 going on 14 years old and i am very serious about my future and the first thing i wanted to do was act. So if there is any role i could play please email me..

Posted by Alexis (2009-01-29) 946

I am currently in a theatre group in L.I., NY where I live. I would be thrilled to
be considered for a part/extra on your show. Thank you, CJ

Posted by Christopher Walker (2009-01-23) 922

Hey, I am 12 years old, white, blonde hair, and have blue eyes! I have always wanted to act since i was 7 or 8! I can sing and act and am very easy to get along with, plus am not that shy! If you guys have any openings then please email me ( I check my email often ) or if you know any casting calls that you might think i will like then please email those to me! Thanks

Posted by Brittnee (2009-01-19) 898

Hi, my name is cheyenne and im 11years old!!! I'm4'6"!!!
and i have tried out for auditions before and only gotten
1 role!!! but i diden't take it!!! but if you gave me a chance
i would definitly take it!!!

Posted by cheyenne fleming (2009-01-19) 897

Sorry. Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
I am from Japan and learning to read in English, tell me whether I wrote the following sentence: "Try to do the following exercise everyday to increase your breast size naturally and to firm them up."

8) Thanks in advance. Shaina.

Posted by Shaina (2009-01-11) 859

Hi, my name is Karina and I'm 14 years old. I'm Caucasian, 5'3", fit and I've always wanted to be an actress. I live in Ottawa, ON. I have the looks and the personality to be an actress. I am willing to do whichever part is necessary, whether it be an extra or an actual role. I'll be happy with any role I'm given. I just really want to have this great experience and try being an actress. It's something that I think I have talent for and could deliver my part very well. I'm very outgoing and love camera's and I am very convincing on screen. Please give me a shot,



Posted by Karina H. (2009-01-03) 815


Posted by KING (2008-12-27) 720

Hi, my name is Emily I'm 17 years young and I love to act and think it would be amazing to work with all the people who produce such a great show. 8).

Posted by Emily Carroll (2008-12-18) 689

hello my name is keisha and i have always dreamed about being a actor or an singer and i am 12 years of age

Posted by keisha (2008-12-15) 666

I want to be an Extra on your show

Posted by Darius Mitchell (2008-12-02) 634

i like your show and i want to be on your show, because i think that i can help raise money for my grandma. She is not doing that much, with the money it can get her better healthcare.

Posted by My names Marquise (2008-11-27) 623

Hi, my name is Tam Vo, I'm 17 years old. I'm trying to pursue my acting career and i thought being on the Disney Channel would help me get a jump start. I love that show. It's so hilarious!

Posted by Tam vo (2008-11-26) 620

hi, my name is angelins birdwell and i never thought about being on t.v but mabey it would be cool to be on t.v i dont want to be a actor but i would love to try it just to say "yea i was on t.v before too". mabay i could be more than just some girl but mabey alittle bit of fame please let me know if anything is open.
thanks for lissening. -angelina

Posted by angelina birdwell (2008-11-17) 581

i could so play ashley tisdale im a model and a actor im only 14 but tall im skinny and im blonde and have hazel eyes

Posted by amanda (2008-11-13) 561

Hey guys! i would love you break out into the acting business, especially on the disney channel! let me know if anyhting comes up! :)


Posted by Nick Brunet (2008-11-13) 554

Hi.Well for one,some of the post here are over flattered.Acting is confidence,courage,and also talent emotionally and physically.I love acting out myself,for im outgoing,dareing,humorous,and loves The Zack and Cody show.I adore their ambition to work hard,for im a hard worker and would do anything to keep my career in good hands.Though i hope that one day i will make it big,if anyone cares to read.I wish and pray that i'll be able to do that.

Posted by Brittany (2008-11-11) 546

Some of you guys sound really conceited.
1 of you said: If you don't pick me your show will be just mediocre so act fast.
Acting is mainly about confidence, but also technique and talent, and just the love for doing it.
I have been taking classes at JRP San Jose, and they really help.
Even just an extra roll will help you boost your career.

Posted by bob rawdreegez (2008-11-11) 544

Hi! I wanted to be an actress since Ive realised i can do something extra. I will do anything casd directors, managers or agents will tell me. Just give me a chance, please. Thank you.

Posted by Meruert (2008-11-08) 533

Hi my is keekee im 14 years old i love to act dance and party and I can be really funny. But im African American I am 5'1 Drak brown hair and eyes and i well love to be on your show i been looking and trying to get on your show for a long time.

Posted by Keekee Williams (2008-10-15) 481

hi im mario im 12 and looking for acting i love the suite life of zack and cody tv show and i show no fear and can be very funny at times its me dream to become an actor.

Posted by mario andreoli (2008-10-09) 464

Hi. I'm very interested in the possibility of auditioning for a small part on the show. I'm currently taking singing lessons and can be quite funny. I have very curly hair and would like the opportunity to act. Thanks. Kaitlyn

Posted by Kaitlyn (2008-10-06) 459

I would love to be on this show more than any thing in the world im good at acting and im realy funny!!!!!!

Posted by richardson victor (2008-09-28) 436

Hi, I've been looking for a casting call on this show, and I hope you guys consider me. Brenda Song is a biggest acting inspiration!

Posted by Dova-Symane (2008-09-25) 405

hey im tanner and i want to be on this show

Posted by tanner (2008-09-24) 396

Hi my name is Tyler.I am 12 years old and I really want no need to be in a movie or a T.V. show. I can sing & acted very good! Please call me if you need me.

Posted by Tyler Johnson (2008-09-23) 390

I have always loved Disney Channel. I was what first got me interested in acting. If you have any positions for me, anything at all, I would be honored to do anything needed. I'm a vocalist in a band and I have some acting expirience. I am also 14 years old. I will make time for any auditions needed and Will come in if you need me to. Please contact me if you can use me. Thank you. =)

Posted by Marrissa Hutton (2008-09-15) 371

Hello!for my whole life i've always wanted to be on disneychannel and i'm trying to find a way hopfully i'm almost there

Posted by lizzie (2008-09-14) 358

I would love to get any kind of role on this show because i always wanted to be an actor and even if you could get me to be an extra or someone with a little lines i would be happy thanks and please help me out. Please!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Wesley (2008-09-08) 348

Hey i'm Kassidy and i've bee acting since i was in 2rd grade (now i'm in the 7th grade) and got the lead roles in all of them and i just love acting and the suite life of zack and cody.

Posted by Kassidy (2008-09-05) 333

Hey, I'm Rachel, I'm 13, & I love this show! I also love acting, I've always wanted to be a actor! I'm good at acting, & I can sing. Anyway, it would be a dream come true if I could be on this show, & I know I would do good on any part I get!

Posted by rachel rainey (2008-09-02) 322

I am in love with the show. Everyone on there is so funny! I would love to come meet you all. I want to be one of the girls Zack is friends with, or London's rich friend or something! Please! My dreams would come true!

Posted by Stephanie Bocook (2008-09-01) 321

Hi my name is Yarbi and i am 13 with blonde hair. I have always wanted to be an actress and start on a show. If i could just have that one chance to star on a show.It would be a dream come true.

Posted by Yarbi Thornhill (2008-08-31) 319

I am 14 to be 15 this year. Right now I am taking classes in my high school so I can have more experience in acting. I always wanted to be an actor and I found out that you got to comment to this job and be determined. I think it is right for me

Posted by PhuongAnh (2008-08-30) 308

i am 13 years old and my whole life i have wanted to act. if you could give me even a small part i would be so thankful because i am the one person you have been looking for. If you don't pick me your show will be just mediocre so act fast.

Posted by kenya (2008-08-29) 303

Hi, im tyler i've been wanting to act since i was little and i like your show. So I wouldlove to be on your show. If you say no thats fine but please please say yes. Thank you for the oppertunity if i get one.

Posted by tyler asaro (2008-08-20) 256

i am 13 years old and my whole life i have wanted to act.. everyone says i am such a drama queen and that this is my calling now if you could help me out and let my dream come true you will be my hero's :] so please help me out on this one thank you very much :]

Posted by makayla nelson (2008-08-19) 251

Hi, I've always wanted to play a role in The Suite Life of Zack & Cody ever since i was ten years old. My talents are i can sing, dance, act, and i do gymnastics. Thank you so much for your time.

Posted by ariana (2008-08-15) 241

i always watch your show
and i was wondering maybe can i be on it
maybe as one of mr. mosby's relatives or something lol who comes to visit him

Posted by autumn (2008-08-14) 236

I've wanted to act since I can remeber. I've always liked the attention on me, whether it's singing or acting...even dancing or playing sports. I may not be the world's greatest at any of those, but I commit to everything 200 percent. I'm willing to put forth all the extra effort and do whatever it takes to get what I want. Oh, and I'm a young teenager so I would fit in well with this show(:

Posted by Melissa (2008-08-09) 194

hi my name is deshay and I always wanted to be on suite life of zack
and cody

Posted by Deshay (2008-08-03) 163

I always wanted to be an actor my whole entire life and I found out that you got to comment to this job and be determined

Posted by ishmael (2008-07-29) 154

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Shows in the Spotlight

Upload Movie Poster


Comedy Mystery Sci-Fi TV‑MA

2020 Series - Streaming on Amazon

In 2033, people can be "uploaded" into virtual reality hotels run by 6 tech firms. Cash-strapped Nora lives in Brooklyn and works customer service for the luxurious "Lakeview" digital afterlife. When L.A. party-boy/coder Nathan's self-driving car crashes, his high-maintenance girlfriend uploads him permanently into Nora's VR world. After a self-driving car crash, Nathan is uploaded to Lakeview, his girlfriend's family's digital after-life, where he meets his customer service rep, Nora.

Upload is created by Greg Daniels ("The Office"). Source Amazon


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Space Force

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2020 Series - Streaming on Netflix

A four-star general begrudgingly teams up with an eccentric scientist to get the U.S. military's newest agency — Space Force — ready for lift-off.

Greg Daniels and Steve Carell of "The Office" reunite for another irreverent workplace comedy. Source Netflix


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Comedy Action TV‑MA

2018 Series - Streaming on HBO

Starring Bill Hader as a depressed, low-rent hitman from the Midwest. Lonely and dissatisfied in his life, he reluctantly travels to Los Angeles to execute a hit on an aspiring actor. Barry follows his "mark" into an acting class and ends up finding an accepting community in a group of eager hopefuls within the LA theater scene. He wants to start a new life as an actor, but his criminal past won't let him walk away -- can he find a way to balance both worlds? Source HBO


Movies in the Spotlight

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Movie Poster

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Action Adventure PG‑13

2008 (2h 3m) - Streaming on Netflix

Indiana Jones is drawn into a Russian plot to unearth the Crystal Skulls of Akator, Amazonian artifacts with supernatural powers.

Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford return for their fourth Indiana Jones cinematic adventure together. Source Netflix


Die Another Day Movie Poster

Die Another Day

Action Adventure PG‑13

2002 (2h 12m) - Streaming on Netflix

Pierce Brosnan's final outing as 007 finds James Bond hunting for a mole in the British Intelligence who has betrayed him to Colonel Tan-Sun Moon, a North Korean terrorist and billionaire, who is illegally trading weapons for African conflict diamonds. Pierce Brosnan makes his fourth and final outing as MI6 agent James Bond. Halle Berry co-stars as NSA agent Jinx Johnson, the Bond girl. Source Netflix


The Irishman Movie Poster

The Irishman

Drama Crime Thriller TV‑MA

2019 (3h 29m) - Streaming on Netflix

Hit man Frank Sheeran looks back at the secrets he kept as a loyal member of the Bufalino crime family in this acclaimed film from Martin Scorsese.

Nominated for 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Directing and Supporting Actor (Al Pacino and Joe Pesci). Source Netflix


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